Monday, September 29, 2008

Mission Conference 2008

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第278日. 晴
"God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things."

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Modern Love Story

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第271日. 晴

友人問: "葉子的離開,是因為風的追求,還是樹的不挽留‏...?"

"Is the departure of a leaf due to the pursuant of the wind or the neglection of the tree...?"

Monday, September 15, 2008

A satisfying weekend...

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第263日. 晴

A satisfying weekend...

Friday Night Fellowship
僞簽家長名 & 鷹爪功

Timmy pitching a CG SHO
Fixed mom's computer and got her scanner to work

Getting Phantom of the Opera tickets
49ers 33-30 OT Victory
A Sunday afternoon nap (while the roast was in the oven)
A cooked roast in the oven (after waking up from the nap)
Mooncake and tea

A satisfying weekend indeed...

Monday, September 08, 2008


沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第256日. 晴

51 項金牌
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