Tuesday, July 26, 2011




Sunday, July 24, 2011



大學畢業, 爸爸贈予. 時隔十年, 還在學習.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Bad father... horrible father...

Today... I officially forgot my own son's birthday.  Had to go back to Facebook to check when I posted his first pic.  I claim overtiredness.  Joyce wasn't very forgiving...

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Dealin' with Death

Do you remember you first encounter with death?  Was it a close relative? A grandparent perhaps.  Or your pet goldfish.  Or maybe even the death of Jesus Christ?

We've been reading Nui-nui a Children's Bible for about a year now.  But recently.... Nui-nui has been enamored with the death of Goliath.  This story is so famous... that 9 out of 10 Christian Story Books will have some version of this story.  And every time we get to 'that page' with 'that image' of Goliath lying down... Nui-nui will instinctively point to him. 

As a parent, how do you introduce death to a 2 year old? Do you lie? Do you embellish? Or how about doing what I did....  "David took care of Goliath....and he's down."  No lie... no harm... no foul. 

How long can I keep this up?