Monday, December 31, 2012

A look back at 2012...

This has got to be one of the quickest 366 days and one of the busiest.  Taking a look back at the past 12 months... it's safe to say the lows outrank the highs this year.  Regardless, I'm a firm believer that things fall apart so they can fall back into place.  All roads, both peaks and valleys, must be traversed, to get to your destination.  Without further ado... here are this year's top 10 (and as one may notice...they're not all good.)

  1. 4 more years! - 4 years ago it was "CHANGE." 4 years later... it's "FORWARD."  From "binders of women" to "47%"... huda thunk this election would've been as exciting and entertaining as it was.    Just three short years until when "HILARY 2016" hits the streeets... oh baby!!
  2. Best friends milestones - Micah says "Hello World." Short and Stubby becomes a father.  Anderson takes the plunge... and Nui-nui was the flower girl.  Awwww....
  3. Action Learning Team - 18 weeks of stress, struggle, turmoil...working on a project equaled to solving poverty or world hunger. Sacrificing my family, my marriage, my spiritual life, my day time job....all culminating in a 2 hour presentation to the Executive VP and her Executive Leadership Team.  The outcome? Warm reception with key highlights of "Hank's volume, gestures and story telling."  Boo-yah!!!
  4. 2 HR Investigations - Some folks get by with one in their entire career.... I just so happen to have two in the same year. Geez louise puh-leeeze.... and due to confidentiality, I can't say more... but needless to say, two of the lowest points in my professional (and personal) career, regardless if I was right or wrong. 
  5. Giants World Series - 2 in 3 years...I literally gave up after down 0-2 in the NLDS. Then gave up again after being down 1-3 in the NLCS, and never had complete confidence until Theriot slid home on the fateful October night.  And this time...we made it to Market Street for the ticker tape and confetti.  Jaded? Maybe... but I'll take another one (or two....or three)
  6. 49ers NFC Championship dud and Season Tickets - Wrapped two events into one.  The first one was actually a non-event, cuz I was being punished and didn't even watch the Niners/Giants game.... and how Kyle Williams fumbled TWICE!!!!  And 10 months later... I become a Niner Season Ticket holder.  Section 321 Row 7 Seat 24.  Wow.... cheap, Chinese families aren't suppose to own season tickets!!  For the rest of my life... no Fall Sunday School for me. HA!!
  7. Disneyland - The Happiest Place on Earth truly earned their money this year. The only thing that can possibly top Star Tours has got to be Nui-nui seeing the "Princesses" in real life.  Case in point... Nui-nui was sound asleep cuz her sleeping schedule was so messed up.  She was exhausted from the long drive, the sleepless nights, the hustle and bustle of getting in and out of line.  But the minute I said, "Nui-nui.... it's a princess!!"  She woke up like Snow White waking up when Prince Charming kissed her.  That....and pulling over in the middle of I-5 so she can poop... has got to be the bestest memory of the Disney trip.
  8. Nui-stones and Daidai stones - Another cop out this year and claiming their "milestones" as one major milestone.  This includes Bebe's first (fill in the blank).  First words...first step... first whatever.  Undoubtedly... and I'll admit to it... he doesn't get nearly enough PR as Nui-nui did when she hit her milestones.  Then there's Nui-nui...who started private school... who was a flower girl... who started Children Sunday School... who can spell and write her name... who can recite John 3:16.  Honestly...what CAN'T I write about them??
  9. Joyce's breakthrough - A sensitive topic...but nonetheless...worthy of being #2.  After years of being at SJCAC... Joyce finally makes a breakthrough and dives into her very own ministry.  I've had my opportunities...and I've also passed up on opportunities.  All the while...praying, waiting, expecting that her turn will come up. Knowing full well...that the Lord is faithful...He will answer prayers and one day, we will be serving together. 
  10. Parents Separation - My parents are now divorced, separated and leading different lives.  Simple as that.  Starting from that fateful September day, when I got a call while I was on business travel in Denver... life will never be the same, ever again.  Actually, this really started back in December 1994 - Christmas Eve.  Now, Dad has his life. Mom has hers.  How I possibly got through those months of planning, calling, moving, buying, more calling, more planning, more moving, more buying.... I will never know.  But amongst my friends, I guess I'm now in the majority.  My parents are officially separated.  They no longer live together. We will forever have to flip a coin at every holiday.  I will forever have to explain to my children that marriage does NOT last forever. 
What a way to end 2012.... let's just hope that 2013 will have some hope.  Looking back at 2012...I don't think it'll be that hard.

Thursday, December 20, 2012


媽媽,唔好成日鬧我,我會upset㗎.  我都唔想你地upset。我會乖㗎喇。

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Return of Hand Foot Mouth

Hand Foot Mouth is back.  Sheeeeeeeesh.

One of, if not, THE most painful illness I've ever been through in my entire life came in December of 2011.  First Nui-nui got it... and then I contracted it.  Was incapacitated for two whole weeks!! 

Luckily, this time around, it's not nearly as bad as last years.  But that's back to back years.  Running a low grade fever and some sore in my mouth.  Nui-nui healed in 3-4 days.  It should be a week or so for me. 

By this time next year, I hope there's some medical breakthrough for some permanent vaccine.  I can't do this every year.... I can't.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Gift of Giving

Restored my annual tradition of handing out a bottle of wine to my coworkers.  This year is different... this year, for the first year, I'm handing it out to my direct reports.  I was gonna walk around and drop off the bottle of grape juice on their table... and say, "Merry Christmas." But as it turned out... my entire morning was free.  So one by one, I called them into my office and had a "year in review" with them. 

How precious.  And it's always lovely to see the look on their eyes... "Wow! You didn't have to do that!"

They're right.... I don't.  And frankly... there are some wine connoisseurs who will end up using it as cooking wine. 

Merry Christmas...

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

United Movies

With two youngin' at home... I can count the number of movies I've seen the past 3 years on one hand.  So I like to take advantage of United Movies for those cross country flights.  More often than not... they're a pleasant surprise, especially those family oriented ones that hit me across the head and say, "You gotta love your family more!!"  or "Be a better husband...please!"

On the way home from Newtown, got to watch Bourne Legacy.  An action packed thriller that was entirely formulaic and predictable. But I sucked up every minute of it.  HA! This is the guy who use to complain about each and everything in movies.  How times have changed...

Saturday, December 08, 2012

Nice people

Just ranting a little.  But sometimes, it's so nice to meet nice people out there.  Folks with no hidden agenda...and purely just want to help.  How is it that mom found that place to live, I can only thank the Lord.  But the Lam's...they are so nice.  I truly wish them the best. 

Monday, December 03, 2012


Why do people insist on peering into my cart at Costco? Do they really think they'll see a huge deal that they don't know about....? And that by staring in my cart, they won't miss out?  MYOFB!!!!!  Pardon my french...