Monday, March 31, 2014

Like father, like daughter...

During dinner today... out of the blue... my dearest daughter lets out a "whoooooo"  and starts whistling.  HA!!  Thus it begins...

Friday, March 28, 2014

Where is your "Peaceful Place?"

Two weeks of pedal to the metal... needing to get through this major design review.  Working nights... evenings... weekends.  Dropping everything else.. waking up early to get to work early.  Leaving working late... get home late.  Skipping lunch.  Barely munching dinner. 

Two full weeks of nonstop tension.  And finally.... I find peace in the bible. 

Finally... had to stop... and spend 30 minutes preparing for tonight's bible study.  And there it is... where it's always been.  My peaceful place.  In His Word. 

Thank you Jesus.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Eden Revival? Eden Survival....

After two years of stabilization... where the mini-Edenites are old enough and healthy enough to allow their parents to come to fellowship on a consistent basis... here we go again.  Another round of new borns... and perhaps another year or two of "arrive late", "leave early", "flu season - stay away!"  Haven't had that consistency... the momentum... the rhythm of a true fellowship.  Maybe that's what young couple's fellowships are about.

Then all of a sudden... we have two new families join us.  And not just family... but FAMILY!!!!

A couple who's expecting in May.  And a couple...with two kids... their mom and dad... and the wife's younger brother.  WOW!!!  Our house isn't small.... but we were out of room.   We made plenty of food... but not enough to fill that many people.

Luckily... not all the regular Edenites showed up. Otherwise, we'll really be out of space.  I love a family environment.  I love having grandma and grandpa and uncles around.  Eden Fellowship is NOT just a young couple's fellowship.  But a fellowship for families.  Yet, no matter how welcoming I try to be... we simply can not have 5-10 toddlers running around the house. 

How will we ever survive....?

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Why me?

This goes wrong..that goes wrong.. the whole world is against me.  And I ask God, "Why me?"

It wasn't a voice... but I felt Him say, "Why not you?"

Sunday, March 02, 2014

The dreaded phone call..

"Hello sir, this is the hospital calling.  Your mom was admitted last night...but she is fine." 

Can't say this is totally unexpected.  You just never hope the next phone call to be THE phone call.  Fortunately, it wasn't THE phone call.  But it was A phone call. 

I kinda knew everything was fine when the on-call nurse gave me her direct line.  But geez... one of these days... the ending will be different.  It's unavoidable... inevitable.  It's just a matter of time.... and how we'll react and deal with it.