Saturday, February 21, 2015

"One Day More"

CNY 2015... I was able to fulfill a long-time dream of bringing a musical on-stage.  And not just any musical... one of my favorite musicals and most powerful musicals of all time.  More on that later. 

CNY 2015... I was able to fulfill something I never even dreamed of happening.  I was able to bring dad to church.  In my mind... I can't count, with one hand, how many times dad has gone to church with us.  1) My first communion.  2) Watching us at one of our SSPP show's. 3) My 8th grade graduation (took place in a church) 4) My wedding... (took place in a church).  And now... CNY2015.  

Back to "One Day More..." and back to the entire musical.  I can honestly say I only give myself a C+.  Last Sunday at rehearsal... I thought this was going to rock the house, bring the house down.  The lyrics are wonderful.  The acting is stupendous. The entire premise is easy to understand, easy to follow. More importantly, it was suppose to be short!!  Not sure what went wrong... but we got zero reaction from the audience. No claps... no laffs.  People weren't really sure what was happening.  Wasn't until C-hing got the crowd going that people started to get into it. 

Then came the finale. I've been picturing this scene for weeks now.  A "One Day More" Flash Mob.  Only.... the flash mob didn't work.  Our mob barely made a sound and took too long to show up.  Portions of the songs were sung completely off pitch, off tempo and out of tune.  The singing was so discombobulated, the final part was messed up cuz we couldn't hear the music. Yet.... in the midst of all that... I think we got the one main part of the song through... we got the climax, we got the purpose, we got the exact message across, as I had intended. 


"我在這裡! 我願跟隨!"

If people took away anything from that message.... that was it.  

And tho I walk away from CNY2015 with a little bit to be desired... I think in some ways... it just makes me want to improve CNY 2016!!!

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Typical American Family

Time has finally come where Nui nui is asking why she has two (maternal) grandpa's.  Why is the gung-gung that she sees all the time NOT mahmee's dad? Well... he is.  But he isn't.

So I had the distinct pleasure of explaining to her Joyce's family tree.

And her immediate response was, "Oh no!! Grandma is committing a sin!!"

Wait till I tell her about her paternal grandparents.