Friday, April 22, 2016

Reality Check!




4. 若想要得著復活的生命,就要知道自己是已經與基督同死了。






10.為什麼我們不常向朋友提起 神?因為我們不常向神提起我們的朋友。



13.使你向 神靠近的人,是你真正的朋友。

14. 神愛我們,不是因為我們是怎樣一個人,而是因為祂是怎樣一位神。

15. 神的應許像夜空裏的星星。夜越深,星星的光芒越亮。





20.當你除了 神,一無所有時,你將知道神就是你全部的需要。

21.放手交給上帝,別再向神講述你的風暴有多大,當向風暴講述你的 神有多大。




25. 神無所不在,所以我們可以隨處禱告。





Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Nn and Sw are wired so differently.

Sw is so non-chalant.  Nn is ultra-competitive.  To a point where her 1st grade teacher wrote something along the lines of "She's exceptional in every aspect. I would like to see her improve in sportsmanship." 

All her life... Nn has been an overachiever.  So she hates not being the best at something.  Probably gets that from the mom's side of the family.

Case in point... this past Sunday was Geoff's Birthday Bowl-a-Rama.  Every year for the past 10+ years he'll have a bowling party on his birthday!!  This year... both kids are old enough to go bowl... albeit.... using a ramp that's set up for them to push a ball down the lane. 

SW was so happy go-lucky, he just wanted to push the ball and see it roll.  But as luck would have it... that's the type of personality that's awarded with great results.  He not only got a Spare... he rolled a Strike.  Part of it was... because his favorite color is Yellow... and the Yellow ball weighed 13 pounds.

Nn on the other hand... loves Pink.  So she picks the 6 pound ball.  And for some reason... her ball kept going into the gutter or she'll get 1-2 pins.  At one point... she was almost in tears cuz all of my friends was cheering for SW for rolling a STRIKE.  And she was not "good enough."

I tried to keep her tears from rolling by taking all the blame.  "It's Bah-bee's fault!! I'm not setting up the ramp correctly."  or "It's Bah-bee's fault... I held it too hard for you."   But no matter what I said... and what I did... she kept going back to the pink, 6 lb ball.  And she never got more than 8 pins. 

In some way... this is good.  We need her to go through the experience of losing.  Cuz in life, you'll likely lose more than you'll win.  But man....when you see tears coming out of your baby's eyes.... you want to do everything and anything to make things better.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Men's Group

Been a while since I've taken part in a Men's Group.  And tonight...met up with a couple of brothers for dinner and book discussion.

There was a lot of traffic, so people arrived late.  And we spent more time talking about ourselves than diving into the book. 

But looking forward to a 4 months journey with these brothers.. where we can encourage one another, learn from one another, and grow together in God's grace. 

Friday, April 08, 2016

Birds and the Bees

We don't watch a lot of TV. But we make an exception with the "Amazing Race." And even then, we watch it on CBS playback to avoid the commercials... Some of it. They still play 2-3 commercials - it is capitalism after all. Nothing is free.

Recently they've been showing a Viagra commercial. The pictures and images are healthy enough, probably nothing to worry about. But they do have commentary... And the other night, nn finally asks, "What is this??" And "What is sex?"

I should have quickly deflected and said"Mom!!!! What is sex??"

Tuesday, April 05, 2016



但當身邊的同事一次又一次的踏過界,take advantage of 我呢個好人,我不得不大發虎威,擺平局勢。 我要他們知道我不是好惹的。


