Monday, September 26, 2016


琴日去大華買豬骨煲湯。 個賣肉叔叔話:「又係豬頸骨?」


Wednesday, September 21, 2016

"Lord, wash away my iniquities..."

"...and cleanse me from my sins."

Just got done watching "Spotlight", the Hollywood version of how the Boston Globe unleashed the first domino that would cause the entire Catholic Church to nearly crumble in 2002. Rampant sexual abuse and a systematic coverup scandal by the Vatican. 

I was watching... And soon... I found myself crying uncontrollably. Those were kids. That could've been me or big bro... Or any one of our friends growing up.  

And to think... Most of my childhood heroes were priests. My favorite saint Don Bosco, was a priest... I wanted to become a priest.  Ironically... Don Bosco was known for his work with Youths, particularly young boys. Goodness gracious...

And prior to the consecration and communion of every mass.... The priest will our holy water on his hands, like the priests did during biblical times and utter those words, "Lord, wash away my iniquities and cleanse me from my sins...."

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

First week of school...

Siu Wah officially started school last week.  The night before, a dear sister of mine asked, "Do you think he'll cry?"  It never, ever occurred to me that he will.  Is this 2nd child syndrome? Just cuz NN was always so easy... we automatically think SW will be the same? Or do we know our son well enough where crying just isn't part of his nature?

As expected... he didn't cry.  As expected... he was very quiet.  Not that he doesn't understand, but because he's not confident enough to speak yet. 

When we picked him up on the first day... his teacher and the principal made a bee-line to us to say, "He did great! He understood very well!" 

As the week progressed... we find out from NN that all the older girls are "spying" on him.  I guess he's the "cute" kid.  All the girls like the "cute" kid. 

The principal made a point to mention that "He's so small.... we're all looking out for him." Indeed he is.  He's at least a head shorter than the rest of his classmates. 

First week - a scratched elbow and a bump on his forehead.  The teacher said, "I grew a ton more grey hairs this week than I have over the entire year."  Poor kid... probably too goofy to know that his body is destructible.  That's what happens when you live at home the first 5 years of your life. 

How's dad doing?? I'm doing fine.  He's going through exactly what I went through at Sts. Peter and Paul when I didn't know any English and I was the short, chubby, cute kid. 

How's mom doing?? She's a complete wreck. =)

Wednesday, September 07, 2016