Tuesday, April 25, 2017

I will not compromise... except when....

Here I am... the parochial choir boy that says I won't ever compromise and will choose Jesus every day. 

The other day at Legoland... SW wanted to go on this ride.  But the minimum requirement is he has to be 6 years old.  Well... he's about 2 weeks away from being 6.  And as we were in line... the worker actually asked each of the kids how old they were.  Seeing how they were doing that... I told SW to say, "i'm 6."  Even though he's officially still 5 years old.

I taught my son to lie.  Wow....

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Yup... we're THAT family...

Ever go through life and encounter that one special family? The one that's just different? Special? Weird??  Well... we're THAT family.

This past week... SW's Kindergarten class said they wanted to have an Easter Egg Hunt.  After a couple days of debating... Joyce and I decided to excuse SW from that activity.  We emailed his teacher.  And we sat down with SW to have "the talk" with him.  His face... was priceless.  He wasn't one to hide his feelings - he was obviously upset and disappointed.  But in the end... he picked Jesus.  (AMEN!!)

His teacher pulled us aside to have talks with us... and it's absolutely NOTHING against her.  We love her.  Adore her.  But there are things we just shouldn't make compromise against.  I even asked her, "Do you know the actual history behind Easter celebration?" She said the right thing... that a lot of modern day Easter originates from paganism.  I hope she does her own research and make her own decision.

The other day.... Joyce was staying after school to let the kids play.  One of the parent came over and said, "Oh...we don't do Easter Bunny.  It's just egg hunting for fun."  The conversation didn't last very long.

On the day of the Easter Egg Hunt at school... I was concerned that SW will be very sad.  Turns out... that he was asked to go to the school admin's office.  And it turns out... NN's teacher heard about it and sent her to the office to be with SW.  The 2nd graders were going to hide the eggs for the kindergarteners to go find.

During these times... I think about Halloween.  I think about Chinese New Year.  I think about visiting the gravesite of our ancestors.  And as much as I struggle... I think of Sandy's testimony and the prayer she taught her daughters.

"I will not compromise.  I will stand in the gap.  And I will choose Jesus, every day of my life."

So powerful.... yet so hard to do.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Lost in New York

Monday afternoon.... I get a call from Mom.  She says she's lost in New York. 

For whatever reason... she was riding a train and got kicked off cuz she didn't have enough fair.  And in the worst case scenario, she only had 10% of battery life left on her phone.  There's no Wi-Fi.  She's waited at that train station for 2 hours without any cars stopping.  And she barely speaks English!! 

In all honesty... she's a grown woman, who's lived in the US for 30+ years.  She'll figure something out.  So I wasn't entirely worried... .but I was still worried.

Finally got a hold of big bro... and told him the situation.  His first reaction was...tell mom to stay put.  He'll go look for her.  Of course... mom did not stay put.  Of course... her phone died and I couldn't reach her.  And of course.... big bro ended up driving aimlessly for hours looking for a short, Asian lady in the state of New York. 

What do you do? Call the police? Panic? Pray?

The kicker here is... once she got to Flushing... she tried calling from a pay phone to let us know the latest status.  Some kind stranger saw her... and wanted to lend her their phone.  But mom was too paranoid and didn't want to give out my phone number, so she ended up not calling me or big bro.  Which left us in the dark for another hour or two. 

Ultimately... she made it back home.  Turns out she boarded a train that went the opposite direction of the ticket she bought.  Turns out she was walking distance to the subway which could've ultimately led her home.  Turns out she walked over an hour (mom pace) to get to Flushing Chinatown to find her way home.

But man...if someone is lost in New York.  How do you go about locating that person??? 

Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Who's Your Daddy?!?

Tonight's Prayer Meeting was simple... "Lord, teach me how to pray."  No agenda.  No prayer points.  Simply enjoy the presence of our Abba Father.

We started with the Lord's Prayer... "我 們 在 天 上 的 父."  And while meditating, I saw an image of myself playing.  And my dad sitting on the couch behind me, reading his newspaper.  God is revealing to me that He is always there.... He could be doing other things, cuz He's a busy person. But while I'm doing my own thing and He's doing his... He's still watching over me.

We then spent almost an hour worshiping Him... interceding for one another... and towards the end... we asked for the Holy Spirit. 

We read, " 你 們 雖 然 不 好 , 尚 且 知 道 拿 好 東 西 給 兒 女 , 何 況 你 們 在 天 上 的 父 , 豈 不 更 把 好 東 西 給 求 他 的 人 麼 ?" 
The same image popped in my head.  Only this time... my dad asked me to sit on his lap.  So I put down my toys, sat on his lap while he's reading the newspaper.  And then I asked my dad for the favorite part of the newspaper..... the Sports Section.  And my dad gave it to me, knowing that I was going to ask for it.   

Went into Prayer Meeting tonight full of angst and stress.  Walked out of Prayer Meeting filled with peace and joy.