Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Valentine's Day

Once a year, I along with the other 50% of the human race (rough estimate - nothing scientific like the election polls) would flock to the closest florist, Tiffany's, Victoria Secrets, Sanrio in an attempt to not be typecasted as the modern day "Al Bundy." How much money have I spent on Valentine's Day since the inception of the concept in my adolescent mind?

Not counting the dumb 2x4 Valentine Day cards sold at Walgreens for $2.99 a box, I remember my first Valentine's Day present being around 6th grade. The night before Valentine's Day, I went to Walgreens (hrm...that worked out well) to buy a $5 chocolate heart. It was a red box, about the size of a binder, with the word "Love" handwritten across it. I was tiptoe-ing all night that night...worrying that mom may discover my miscalculated investment. And to think, I didn't even have the courage to give it to the girl. I made my friend deliver the package for me. Sixth grade...that must've been when I was 12?
Many moons later, when I was a sophomore in high school, a $2 investment was made on a rose sold by one of our school clubs. The recipient, my first high school love. The deliverer, "Secret Admirer." I didn't even have the ballz to let the girl know it was me. I wonder if I should let her know now??
Then there were the next 5 years that I've successfully eliminated from the memory banks, for better or worse. I wish I was single...
Just the past 6 years with Joycie can singlehandedly lift our nation out of the red. Give or take a billion here and there. Our first Valentine's Day was the first time I sent a dozen long stemmed fully blossoming roses in a vase. That's when I truly experienced the pain and agony of being a man..aside from having a baseball hit me smack in the balls. The last several years, I've eased up on the flowers and gone with handmade flowers - whether they're ribbon or orgami. This year, I've completely skipped the traditional dozen roses. Am I getting less romantic and more mainstream humdrum...or is it just wise-cash saving?

Come to think of it, I haven't spent a Valentine's Day - single - for the past 10 years. And what have I gotten out of it?? An "EXCELLENT" on my credit score.

What do I have planned for this year? With all that's been going on lately, a night at home with a nice book and a hot cup of tea would be more than I can ever ask....

May the Lord bless all who seeks love, and may love fill the hearts of who have seek the Lord.

And may my poetic phrases actually make sense....

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