Monday, February 28, 2005

Random thoughts....

Had dinner at Guy's house last night. Quite a meal I must say, four entrees with soup. Real soup, not Chunky's or Campbell. Then we had fruit, ice cream and redbean pie for dessert. Absolutely amazing. Great food, great environment, but most importantly great company. Where you see Guy, you're bound to see Rebecca (more often than not). TallKen was also there, and just like the former two, wherever you see TallKen, SoChi is probably within a 10 foot radius. Not to mention Guy's new family member, Sao Tao. BTW, rumor has it that the main course for Thanksgiving dinner is rabbit meat. Hrm.......curious.

I don't remember the last time a friend invited me to their house for dinner and the dinner wasn't a potluck.

Didn't realize the broad spectrum of age within our fellowship. Now that I think about it.... we cross three generations: Generation X, Generation Y, and that generation raised between Baby Boomers and GenX - who are so often unidentified cuz they just flew underneath the radar. I don't particularly see any pros or cons with this, except when the subject of inter-church dating came up, we had a plethora of gossip coming up. Including even, cross fellowship activities and events involving SFCAC.

One of the cross fellowship events that's coming up is the Singles Retreat in July. Makes me wonder if there's a double meaning behind the "retreat." =) Stuck in Tahoe for three days with a bunch of single girls.... *sigh* be a bachelor again.

Another possible event that is less thought provoking is good ol' team competition. Turns out some of the girls in the English Young Adult fellowship are pretty gung-ho when it comes to volleyball. Some of the peeps in Joseph know a thing or two about bunt, set, spike. We'll see where this goes. Maybe we can bring some people from the different fellowships and form a SJCAC team.

Speaking of volleyball, we had the playoffs in our league tonight. We won our first match, beating the #5 seed, but eventually fell victim to the #4 seed, barely. It took 8 weeks for our team to jive...I think if we keep this team going, we can actually be a force to reckon with.

On another note, Ken and Guy were talking about discipleships for our church. I started wondering, that's great!! But who's going to disciple Joycie and me?? We have a couple in mind...but they're super duper busy. On the flip side of the coin...if they discple us well enough, we can possibly inherit some of their work and ease up their bandwidth. HA!! I tried that one time when crashing a class freshman year of college, "Dr. Bailey, your class is already full with 150 people. What's another one or two? With me in your class, I can tutor students on the side and ease up your office hours." It worked....she let me crash. But I never tutored anyone...heh heh heh....

Liar? Nah...I'm just a natural businessman....

1 comment:

godislove said...

Lemme cook for you again soon...