Sunday, April 29, 2007


好感恩! 最近認識到一班後生仔女... 帶比我好多歡樂. 今朝接佢地返主日崇拜, morning call佢地. 以下三個不同0既對話.

本人: 喂! 早晨!
D君: 早晨.
本人: 起身未?
D君: 未.
本人: 撘九到.
D君: 好...(收線)

本人: 喂! 早晨!
A小姐: 係
本人: 係唔係我車你返教會?
A小姐: 係
本人: 你瞓醒未呀?
A小姐: 係...
本人: 我撘九到… 0黎到 call 你.
A小姐: 係...(收線)

本人: 喂! 早晨! 起身未?
W君: 就啦.
本人: 撘九到.
W君: 好...(收線)

Saturday, April 28, 2007

And with the 11th pick...

...of the 2007 NFL draft, the San Francsico 49ers select... Linebacker, Pat Willis.

And with the 28th of the NFL draft, the San Francisco 49ers select...Left Tackle, Joe Staley.

So long Kwame... thank you for the memories.

Thursday, April 26, 2007


Presenting...your FIRST PLACE SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS!!!! Who are these guys? What is this world coming to?? Giants with excellent starting pitching? Benitez being a lights out closer going 6 for 6? The bullpen giving up only 1 run in the last 18 innings? Sweeping the Cards, D-backs and the Chavez Ravine???

Sharks up 1-0 against the Red Wings.
Warriors basically dominating the #1 seed Mavs.
Niners draft right around the corner.
Giants ripping up baseball like no other.

Oh....if this is a dream...please don't wake me up.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Forbes Mill Steakhouse (Los Gatos)

Mozied over to Los Gatos last night and checked off one of the steakhouses on my "To-Eat" list.
I went with my usual 24oz porterhouse... medium rare -- the chef nailed it. Juicy and tender all the way around. Joyce went with the 14oz primerib... which lacked physical attraction... but true beauty comes from within. The calamari was exquisite -- wasn't overbreaded like many other restaurants. The bread was warm, but a little on the hard side...I prefer cheesecake factory's bread. Washed it all down with a glass of 2003 Argentinan Masteq (very dry, almost chalky...had a nice bite to it) and Joyce had a glass of Pinot-syrah. It was like drinking grape juice.

The only thing less than perfect was the horseradish. I asked for straight and the waiter really went into the kitchen and carved up shreds of horseradish for me. C'mon...there's no taste to that! Then I asked for some creamed horseradish and out came a cup of mayonaise. No kick, no tang, no taste at all... I ended up mixing the straight with the cream and managed to tickle my palate a little.

It was reasonably price -- under two 2 Bens. Had great ambiance -- they have separate sections to seat groups and to seat 1-2 people. And the service was excellent and careful -- had a nice chat with our waiter.
Won't be jumping the gun to go back...but would definitely recommend to others.

Monday, April 23, 2007

I've got the fever...

...the playoff fever!!!



AND THE GIANTS...well... work in progress.

AND..."with the 11th pick of the 2007 NFL Draft...the San Francisco 49ers select...."

Wednesday, April 18, 2007





Saturday, April 14, 2007

I pray...

I pray that I will...

    ...obey Your word without question,
    ...pray without ceasing,
    ...praise You constantly,
    ...worship You continuously,
    ...and serve others unconditionally.

Friday, April 13, 2007


Giants didn't lose yesterday!! WOOHOO!!

Giants didn't play yesterday... hence they didn't lose. Sigh...

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Shutout - again!!

Third time in 9 games we've been shutout!!! BY THE SAME TEAM!!!!

So Roberts steals second (as is our 2007 game plan) and Vizquel pokes a single. Stupid Flannery holds our FASTEST guy on our team at third!!! Wasn't he the big mouth that said, "We have to be aggressive. We can't count on hitting 3 run homers every time." And what happens next? Aurilia hits into an inning ending double play.

Man on 1st and 3rd with 1 out and we can't even generate ONE run. Pleeeeease.... stick that finger back into my eye!!

Bittersweet... Sharks win in double OT but Cheechoo is hurt.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Can't ever be easy, can it???

At one point, the Giants were leading 6-0. Benitez comes in the bottom of the 9th with a 3 run lead and gives up a 2 run HR to Gonzalez. Followed by a neeeeear miss by Khalil Greene. We hang on by the skin of our teeth and win 6-5.

3 months from now, all will be forgotten. Well...I guess that's why blogs were I WON'T forget!!

Still IRATE about the Giants...but giddy that it's raining. WOOHOO!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Nothing's going right!!!

Someone made sour coffee!! ARGH!!!!!


Cain pitches a No hitter into the 7th and we lose 1-0!!! GEEZ!!!!
14 runs in 7 games. I feel like jamming my finger in my eye.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Just cuz I should...

Opening day 2007... a day to remember, yet a day to forget.

Another day spent with my best buds and my girl at the best experience in Major League Baseball. The day started out with the 2007 Giants Calendar (so painful last year when I couldn't get it). Then it evolved into a semi-dry Amici's pizza which left a lot to be desired. Followed by the introduction of the 2007 Giants...the woeful, lowly 1-5 Giants. Best part of the day must've been when Jon Miller said, "...the MVP of the 1989 season, Leftfielder, KEVIN MITCCCCCHELLLLL..." and "...he was a thrill to watch...Firstbaseman, #22, WILLLLL CLLLLARRRRK...." I didn't grow up watching McCovey and Cepeda and Mays. I can only hear, read, and revere at their marvel. But I did grow up watch the Thrill, Mattie Williams, Robby Thompson, Mitchell's one-handed catch... that's what I grew up watching.

Most memorable part of the day... the count was 3-2 on Bonds. The shift was on, here comes the pitch from Peavy. Bonds takes a weak swing and pokes a single to leftfield pass the 3rd baseman playing short. Within two pitches, the 500-500 man alive swipes a bag to get into scoring position! HERE COME THE GIANTS!!!

Most forgetful (but still very rememberable) part of the day... Durham dribbles a grounder to short. Bonds stops running and starts jogging around the bases when Gonzles drops the throw at first!! Bonds sees it then decides to put on the gas and round third...but is gunned down at home without even a slide. Rally over. So much for playing with heart and effort.

Since opening day, the Giants have scored a total of 14 runs in 6 games. We just got swept by the hated back to last season, that would be 9 straight losses to them. Oh.... it's gonna be one long summer....

Friday, April 06, 2007

Good Friday

Truly no man can ransom another, or give to God the price of
his life, for the ransom of their life is costly and can never suffice,
that he should live on forever and never see the pit. Psalm 49:7-9

Our lives are costly...every life that God creates is costly, is precious, is invaluable. Who can give up his/her life for our ransom? Who's life can suffice for the lives of all mankind? Who, but our Lord, our Savior, our Messiah, our friend...Jesus Christ.

Thank you Jesus for your cross. By your cross, suffering and resurrection, you have set me free!

Monday, April 02, 2007

2 phones in 6 years ain't bad...

9/2001 - 3/ 2004

My first cellphone...the infamous 8260 that virtually EVERYONE had. I don't even remember how many times I dropped it and it still survived! It got to a point where soooooooo many people were deserting the 8260, I was collecting their old batteries so I can have one charged up for virtually every day of the week! And if you remember, that's how long the battery lasted -- a day. A very trusty and simple phone to use. LOVED IT!!!

3/2004- 4/2007

One of the first generation camera phones. I was soooo "IN" when I got this. But within 2 months, this phone became obsolete. I never did like that toggle joystick in the middle -- I saw it as a single point of failure. And fail it did. I no longer can toggle "DOWN" with the joystick. If I wanted to go down...I have to go "UP" and wrap around the list. More complicated than the 8260, but manageable nonetheless. Favorite thing about this phone is I could set my wife's picture as the wall paper.

April 2007

The start of a new era! Form, fit and function is exactly the same as my previous phone (so I don't have to learn how to use the widget), but the phone itself is still EXTREMELY new. Most importantly, I don't have to go through the trouble of finding a phone, buying a phone, learning a phone.