Monday, April 09, 2007

Just cuz I should...

Opening day 2007... a day to remember, yet a day to forget.

Another day spent with my best buds and my girl at the best experience in Major League Baseball. The day started out with the 2007 Giants Calendar (so painful last year when I couldn't get it). Then it evolved into a semi-dry Amici's pizza which left a lot to be desired. Followed by the introduction of the 2007 Giants...the woeful, lowly 1-5 Giants. Best part of the day must've been when Jon Miller said, "...the MVP of the 1989 season, Leftfielder, KEVIN MITCCCCCHELLLLL..." and "...he was a thrill to watch...Firstbaseman, #22, WILLLLL CLLLLARRRRK...." I didn't grow up watching McCovey and Cepeda and Mays. I can only hear, read, and revere at their marvel. But I did grow up watch the Thrill, Mattie Williams, Robby Thompson, Mitchell's one-handed catch... that's what I grew up watching.

Most memorable part of the day... the count was 3-2 on Bonds. The shift was on, here comes the pitch from Peavy. Bonds takes a weak swing and pokes a single to leftfield pass the 3rd baseman playing short. Within two pitches, the 500-500 man alive swipes a bag to get into scoring position! HERE COME THE GIANTS!!!

Most forgetful (but still very rememberable) part of the day... Durham dribbles a grounder to short. Bonds stops running and starts jogging around the bases when Gonzles drops the throw at first!! Bonds sees it then decides to put on the gas and round third...but is gunned down at home without even a slide. Rally over. So much for playing with heart and effort.

Since opening day, the Giants have scored a total of 14 runs in 6 games. We just got swept by the hated back to last season, that would be 9 straight losses to them. Oh.... it's gonna be one long summer....

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