Saturday, April 12, 2008


沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第103日. 晴

A recent question asked, "Give domestic and business situations today that are comparable to the situations of Matt 24:40-41" -- where 2 men will be in a field and one will be taken away with the other left (what some theologians equate to with the RAPTURE).

The women answered, "We'll be lining up at Starbucks... and all of a sudden, everyone will be gone and I'll be at the front of the line!"

The men answered, "A typical business situation is when people at work are laid off or they retire. One minute they're here, the next minute they're gone. Or when a charismatic vice-president leaves a company, and a bunch of his workers follow him and leave with him, follow the leader."

How the men and women both read the same question but interpreted it completely differently!

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