Monday, June 30, 2008


沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第182日. 晴

A buddy of mine asked me an interesting question. Who would be my pallbearers / casket bearers. I guess most people spend time thinking about who will be in your wedding party. Is it too early to think that far into the future??


Anonymous said... is!

You should start thinking about who's gonna be pushing the baby carriage. least I'll know what to put in there with ya in the box.....a nice bottle of wine, a replica Giants WS ring when they when the series, and when we shovel dirt, it won't be'll be ground up Major Ds! OOOOHHH YEEEAAAA!!!!

Sandy said...

well.. projecting this in the future just helps clarifying thoughts in the present.

btw. anderson... people commented that your "o-mouth" pic look a little scary..