Monday, April 27, 2009

"I don't deserve this..."

Listened to a '60 Minutes' podcast about potential retirees who lost their 401k this past year. Some of them are old... they're overqualified... they're underqualified... they don't have the quick skills that a young grad has... and they have nowhere to go.
"I don't deserve this."

Some 50 year old former manager is working at a Starbucks taking orders from a snot-nose 20 year old. That same 50 year old works a weekend job at a mortuary greeting mourners and family members.
"I don't deserve this."

The Sharks are eliminated from round 1 of the playoffs in Game 6. Game 6 being a cursed game for us Bay Area fans. All these years I've poured out my heart for my teams and what do I get back? Nothing.
"I don't deserve this."

I need to get out...but I can't. I too, have no where to go. I'm stuck.
"I don't deserve this."

Mood: depressed

Monday, April 20, 2009

It ain't well...with my soul...

It's a little embarrassing when my life is wrapped around professional teams that have no loyalty to me. They don't know my existence. I pour out my life and my heart for them and they can either pick it up and raise it to the highest honors or rip it out and slice and dice it for dinner. Yet I fall, no I succumb to this nonsense every year.

~sigh... stupid sharks. ~sigh... stupid giants hitting. ~sigh... stupid moped. ~sigh... ~sigh...

Mood: hot (due to the weather mostly)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

No no no...say it ain't so!!!

Losing 5 in a row!!! Walking in the winning run!! Throw a friggin' strike for cryin' out loud!!!! UGH!!!!!! Why do they have to do this to me every year!!?!?!?

Why do the Giants suck so much?
Why can't the Giants hit in the clutch?
Ticket and beer prices are higher than ever,
Win a World Series, I say "NEVER!"
Glimmer of hope, glimmer of light
It's not what I see, not at all, not quite;
My blood pressure climbing ever so high,
What if they don't win before I die?

Mood: frustrated

Monday, April 13, 2009

Holy Week and Borsch

  • The Youth are full of energy - too much energy, sometimes. Was I ever like that?
  • Saw a man wearing a rabbit suit walk into a Blockbuster.
  • I ain't the only one who watches Stephen Chow movies dubbed in Vietnamese on Youtube
  • Some have a knack for altar calls - some don't. Not a competition, just an observation.
  • Had a Passover meal with unleavened bread, bitter "herbs" and lamb. Don't think we're doing that again.
  • A Chinese person ordered Sweet-N-Sour Pork at a chinese restaurant.
  • Talking things out can be self-healing... should talk more often
  • Love playing but not very good at matchmaking
  • Finding a church is easy. Finding a church to stay is not.
  • I made borsch and it was borschin' good!

Mood: giddy

Friday, April 10, 2009

Economic Downturn...

The downturn, though it's dwelling everywhere, finally hit home this past week. Two members of my team are being targetted for "reassignment." This really bothers me. In any team, I've always been the one to leave. The first time I had to personally kick someone off my team was when I laid off my gardener. All these times I was in the driver seat and running the show. I hate the feeling of helplessness when things are beyond my control. Hate it hate it hate it...

Mood: irritated

Tuesday, April 07, 2009