Monday, April 13, 2009

Holy Week and Borsch

  • The Youth are full of energy - too much energy, sometimes. Was I ever like that?
  • Saw a man wearing a rabbit suit walk into a Blockbuster.
  • I ain't the only one who watches Stephen Chow movies dubbed in Vietnamese on Youtube
  • Some have a knack for altar calls - some don't. Not a competition, just an observation.
  • Had a Passover meal with unleavened bread, bitter "herbs" and lamb. Don't think we're doing that again.
  • A Chinese person ordered Sweet-N-Sour Pork at a chinese restaurant.
  • Talking things out can be self-healing... should talk more often
  • Love playing but not very good at matchmaking
  • Finding a church is easy. Finding a church to stay is not.
  • I made borsch and it was borschin' good!

Mood: giddy

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