Monday, June 29, 2009

Where'd the day go?

Started at 10AM this morning listening to Rev. Poon's sermon on "Issue of Control" as part of the Re-Parenting series. Interruptions left and right and twelve hours later, I finally get to sit down to listen to the last part of one sermon. Where did the day go?

Mood: Dazed

Friday, June 26, 2009

Day / Night Confusion

Rachel has what some people call - Day / Night Confusion. She's very sleepy in the daytime but wide awake at night!! Which puts my life in a roller coaster.

So an interesting thought came up... if we were to fly back to Hong Kong tonight, will the jetlag automatically flip her Day / Night Confusion around??? Thought provoking indeed....

Mood: sleepy

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Up at 3:45AM

Blogging at 3:45AM - something I haven't done since I was working on my Masters a few years ago. Feasting on some 糯米飯 that Selai Chan made for me. So wonderful...

Rachel hasn't been able to sleep between the hours of 1-4AM. Her nights and days are still backwards. Sigh...what to do? What to do?

Mood: Moody

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Committing Adultery

The other day, I was doing some yard work and I removed my wedding ring. After about two hours of back spraining, allergy triggering, thorns bristling work, I quickly showered and headed out to dinner. During dinner, I realized I forgot to put my wedding ring back on. I felt naked. I felt incomplete. I felt like I was committing adultery. Felt like I was cheating on my wife - even though she was there with me. I felt... naughty.

Mood: removed

Sunday, June 07, 2009


多個月前, 見到小孩在公眾場所大抄大鬧, 對長者教訓的不理會, 或他們不得不快的小霸王, 小公主態度, 會令我十分討厭. 但最近, 討厭的對象由小孩轉移到家長身上. '寵壞', '冇家教', '慈母多敗兒' 或 '養不教,父之過' 的負面說話不其然地浮現出來. 相信每一對父母未正式做父母時都曾經有過同樣經歷. 但現實就是當他們為人父母, 從前的討厭, 批評, 指責都自然地拋諸腦後. 我又會點教女呢?

唉... 有人話: "生仔易, 養仔難. 養仔易, 教仔難." 難怪咁多人生左兩個就夠晒數.

心情: 勞氣

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Wheeee! What a coincidence?!

Carly. Carly Carly Carly...
The famous name, for the famous person that headlined the entire Silicon Valley when she took over HP as CEO - and subsequently led to the layoffs of thousands and thousands of employees when she merged with Compaq. I thought she was gone, disappeared, history. But coincidentally, the same day she reappears in the newspaper for running for public office (US Senate vs. Barbara Boxer), we get news that our current program will be moved to the East Coast. I have less than a year to look for a new job, otherwise, need to consider transferring out East. And I thought my job was secured. What to do...what to do?

Mood: contemplative