Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Wheeee! What a coincidence?!

Carly. Carly Carly Carly...
The famous name, for the famous person that headlined the entire Silicon Valley when she took over HP as CEO - and subsequently led to the layoffs of thousands and thousands of employees when she merged with Compaq. I thought she was gone, disappeared, history. But coincidentally, the same day she reappears in the newspaper for running for public office (US Senate vs. Barbara Boxer), we get news that our current program will be moved to the East Coast. I have less than a year to look for a new job, otherwise, need to consider transferring out East. And I thought my job was secured. What to do...what to do?

Mood: contemplative


Anonymous said...

`The Father has a new plan for this new father :) ~ sanderson

Mr. Anderson to You! said...

Wheeeeee......what a predicament?!