Tuesday, December 01, 2009

My how I've changed...

Flying back from LA today and behind me sat a 16 month old screaming his head off. Across the aisle was a 6 year old travelling on his own, making friends (or enemies) with everyone around him. People were getting up and moving towards the back of the plane to avoid the commotion. Others were exchanging looks nonverbally saying, "Good grief, thank goodness this is a short flight."

And me? Didn't annoy me one bit. I loved every minute of it. My, how I've changed...

Mood: giddy


Sandy said...

"Loved every minute of it" ... hum... 果然係愛女心切, 有正面作用的投射.

JI Annie said...

the 2nd word from nui nui.. baaa baaaaaaaaaa