Sunday, January 31, 2010

Nui-nui's 3rd word!!!!!

"Daaaaaa Daaaaaaa"

Joyce may have taken the early lead...but the final victor is still me!! HAHAHAHAHAHA

Mood: Victorious

Friday, January 29, 2010

The Covenant of Holy Matrimony

Was chatting up with a co-worker today and somehow we got onto the subject of her arranged marriage. This subject always intrigues me. How can two people who "aren't in love" get married -- and all that other stuff that comes with marriage? Conventional wisdom will tell you that arranged marriage will never work. Yet, American divorce rates are rising faster than the Googol's stock price.

Have you ever watched reality shows like "The Bachelor?" or things of that nature? Yes, we all know they're actors. We all know in front of a camera, anything goes. But does it send shivers down your back when the contestants say, "I'm in love..." If my memory serves me correctly, only 1 of these couples have stayed married, the first "Bachelorette."

So how does this play into the covenant that is established by God for a man and a woman? (no intentions of plugging Prop 8 btw... just happened to come out this way) What makes a marriage successful? To be continued...

I've always wanted to write a book on Marriage and Parenthood. Maybe this will slowly evolve into one.

Mood: intrigued

Saturday, January 23, 2010

What's in a name?

There's a Chinese saying, "Fear not, born to a bad life; fear, of bestowing the wrong name." Partially, it's an old wives tale but in a way, it's also true. A name, whether you like it or not, defines you. It's a label that's stuck with you from the day you are born to the day you can legally change it to something else.

We visited a friend today in San Francisco who just had their first daughter. Her name:

Olivia - peace (as in olive branch, a sign of peace)
Neriya - "God is my light." (Hebrew origin)
榮欣 - 光榮, 歡欣 (glory, joy)

Without knowing it, Little Olivia is already blessed to be the light and salt of the earth, to be a peacemaker and a bearer of God's joy and glory. How meaningful... how precious. I wonder how long it took them to come up with this name?

And how long will it take for us to come up with a name for our fellowship?

Mood: reflective

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Monday, January 11, 2010

Prop 8 Trial Begins

I like how the San Jose Mercury puts it... "In the first round of what may be the signature civil rights fight of the 21st century..."

Interesting observation... "Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker has kept his views to himself, but his rulings so far have dismayed some of Prop. 8's supporters, who appear to be bracing their followers for a short-term defeat."

Also interesting in light of Sotomayor being appointed to the Supreme Court... "Andrew Pugno, general counsel for Protect Marriage said, the last word will come from 'the nine justices on the highest court in the nation.'"

This one from the Chronicle is most fitting... "...and force many religious Americans to 'choose between being a believer and being a good citizen.' "

It's going to be a tumultuous year!!

Mood: cansado

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Beautifully written...

Very beautifully written...
"And Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering and laid it on Isaac his son. " ~Gen 22:6a
Replace "Abraham" with "God".
Replace "burnt offering" with "the cross"
Replace "Isaac" with "Jesus"
I believe God wanted the scriptures to specifically write it the way it ended up being. The Father laid the wood on the Son. The Son must submit to the Father's will.

Mood: thankful

The worst thing about comedies... not being funny. It's not just sad... it's annoying.

Saturday Night Live is a prime example. It's so sorry that I didn't even crack a smile when I labored through it. If not for Bon Jovi being the musical guest... I wouldn't give it the time of day. Whatever happen to comedy and talented comedians? Really makes you wonder why it's still on air?

Mood: annoyed

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Yin-Yang Eyes

Nui-nui has double eye lids on one eye only... I wonder if her other eye will become double? Or will the current double go back to single?