Monday, January 11, 2010

Prop 8 Trial Begins

I like how the San Jose Mercury puts it... "In the first round of what may be the signature civil rights fight of the 21st century..."

Interesting observation... "Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker has kept his views to himself, but his rulings so far have dismayed some of Prop. 8's supporters, who appear to be bracing their followers for a short-term defeat."

Also interesting in light of Sotomayor being appointed to the Supreme Court... "Andrew Pugno, general counsel for Protect Marriage said, the last word will come from 'the nine justices on the highest court in the nation.'"

This one from the Chronicle is most fitting... "...and force many religious Americans to 'choose between being a believer and being a good citizen.' "

It's going to be a tumultuous year!!

Mood: cansado

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