Sunday, February 28, 2010

Not February but Februbusy

February was a brutal month. Bruuuuuuuuuuuuutal. So many things went on. Birth of Eden, Superbowl Sunday, Chinese New Year, Valentine's Day, Visitation, CSMT, Bro leaving for China, 60 hour work weeks, not to mention the premier of the Final Season of LOST (tee hee!).

There's no love lost when 11:59PM rolls around on the Feb 28th. Can't wait till March comes around.

Mood: well-aged

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Regrowing some thick skin

It's been a while since I've gone out and randomly seeked people out to talk about church. I use to have it down. Had my little "elevator speech" handy. Had all my church facts straight. Had several personal testimonies to share in an instant.

Well... just like exercising, once you snooze, you lose.

Couple weeks ago, went to a Chinese supermarkets to pass out some flyers. And the confidence, the mood, the suave just wasn't there. And if you don't got suave... you're in deep poo-poo (baby language. That's how I talk now. Pee-pee and Poo-poo).

It felt good tho despite the blatant rejections. Felt good to be able to walk up to a complete stranger and completely interrupt them knowing full well they're ready to reject you. Some might say, "Sorry" and walk away. Just gotta love it when people give you "the hand." Or simply "shake their head disapprovingly."

Time for some OJT once again. In the meantime, gotta regrow that thick skin and have NO FEAR when it comes to evangelizing. "NO FEAR!! NO FEAR!! ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH!!!!"

Mood: fearful...ahhhh!!!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

A great invention...

One of the greatest invention in the past 10 years (for me at least) is the Brawny Paper Towels that we bought from Costco. What's so cool about it? Well... it's perforated in such a way that so someone can use half sheet!

For those times you want to dry an apple before eating. For those times when you have a tiny spill. For those times when the economy is bad... and you need to conserve as much as possible.

A great invention indeed.

Mood: impressed

Monday, February 15, 2010


Nui-nui's finally teething! What a great way to celebrate Valentine's Day + Chinese New Year. Finally felt compelled to update her little "Baby Book." You know... the book that documents her dad and mom's info. The origin of her name. Gifts she received at her Baby Shower. Her bio's on her birthday.

Then it got to the section of "firsts..."

First word...
First smile...
First sound... (????)
First time rolling onto tummy...
First time rolling onto back...
First time rolling onto tummy, then back onto back...

It it hits us... so much has happened in such a short amount of time. Despite the terabytes of pictures we've taken, there is simply no way of us going back in time and holding our daughter in the palm of our hand again.

Simply need to enjoy this time while it lasts. It is soooo precious.

Mood: blessed

Sunday, February 14, 2010

U.S. Women Thump China 12-1

VANCOUVER, British Columbia (AP) -- The United States opened its preliminary round of the women's hockey tournament Sunday with a 12-1 victory over China, the second overwhelming rout in two days at the Canada Hockey Place.

唔緊要! 繼續努力! 加油!!

Mood: 滿有希望, 帶有點點失望...