Monday, February 15, 2010


Nui-nui's finally teething! What a great way to celebrate Valentine's Day + Chinese New Year. Finally felt compelled to update her little "Baby Book." You know... the book that documents her dad and mom's info. The origin of her name. Gifts she received at her Baby Shower. Her bio's on her birthday.

Then it got to the section of "firsts..."

First word...
First smile...
First sound... (????)
First time rolling onto tummy...
First time rolling onto back...
First time rolling onto tummy, then back onto back...

It it hits us... so much has happened in such a short amount of time. Despite the terabytes of pictures we've taken, there is simply no way of us going back in time and holding our daughter in the palm of our hand again.

Simply need to enjoy this time while it lasts. It is soooo precious.

Mood: blessed


Roy2000 said...

I agree, plz remember those precious moment ~

Sandy said...

this video reminds me of you