Monday, January 24, 2011

As we forgive those who trespass against us...

Late Saturday night, I get an email from dad.  He just got a call from our relatives in Mainland China.  Someone has just trespassed and violated our ancestors' gravesite.  That in itself is a travesty, especially to our culture where we hold our ancesters to such high regards, to a point where it crosses respect to, dare I say, worship? 

Anyhow... what really weighed on my heart is when my dad mentioned that they interrupted the feng-shui of our family line.  Dad was in such distraught, he had to take the day off from work. 

Really? Dad...?  I guess.
Really? There's feng-shui out there that's supposedly shaping and changing my life? Hrm...
And really? Someone's interested in OUR graves? We're farmers...not King Tut!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Outreach Running Blog

Decided to keep a running blog (more or less) of an outreach event that a few of us embarked on.  The premise is a Chinese radio station and a restaurant in San Mateo co-sponsored a wedding fair.  And we capitalized on this opportunity to outreach to some young couples.  Here's a short running blog of the actual events...

405PM -  Found the place. Turns out to be old Joy Luck Place. Scoped out he place and it looks like a closed dinner party. With some vendors each owning a table.  Not what I expected and no sight of any young couples yet.
415PM - Moved car to a closer loacation. Found a Le Boulanger to hang out at. Ordered a small Kona Coffee cuz I was dozing on the drive up...Coffee very weak~ but there's no Peet's in sight. 
421PM - Still no Roy, Anderson or Galpal. Starting to get a bit scared.  Sitting outside Le Boulanger waiting for them to show while catching up on Patriots/Jets game.  J-E-T-S JETS! JETS! JETS!
423PM - Wondering how long it took to organize such and event? And starting to brainstorm if SJCAC can do one ourselves.
425PM - Roy calls. They're here. Now what? I guess as a leader I need to step up and come up with a game plan.  But I much rather be a follower right now. 
432PM - Too cold sitting outside so we move inside. Discussing our game plan.  Last minute planning is definitely not the way to go. 
453PM - Prayer time... Nor really sure what to do. Discussed tactics but still a bit lost. Declare God will lead us! 
500PM - Go inside and immediately showered with flyers from an East Bay "wedding favor" company.  Thinking - "Dang! where's our product?"
505PM - Stood for about 5 minutes obeserving.  No one is approaching us and none of the vendors are opened.  We didn't get kicked out that's a good sign.
510PM - Got tired of waiting. The employee there didn't know anything... so I asked for the manager or organizer of the event.  Turns out the event is opened to the public even if you don't have a ticket, until dinner time.  AWESOME!! That's our green light to stay.
512PM - Free wine tasting.  Hrm.... a slight buzz will certainly make outreach easier!  But opted agianst it...(this time).
515PM - Roy approaches our first target.  God bless his courage! 
517PM - He comes back and says, "They're interested and want to know more! They have a lot of questions!" 
520PM - I take that cue and go talk to my first target.  They politely listen to my schpiel and move on.  It's all good.  After the first rejection... my nerves are completely calm.
525PM - Anderson and Galpal are infiltrating and visiting the vendors.  At the very'll give them some ideas of what's to come.
530PM - run into the parents of my high school friend.  Ah.... good times.  Too bad it's not him getting married, it's his younger brother.  Nonetheless, nice to know someone in a foreign place. 
540PM - Not a lot of young couples walking in...but there are a lot of family and old couples.  Standing around without much to do... we started thinking that one of the girls from the Wedding Favors place is a friend of a friend.  She looks familiar. 
545PM - I go up to her to introduce myself and she says I look familiar also!!  But upon exchanging stories... there's no way we could've met in the past.  Another case of "looks-like, almost-like, but not really."  Turns out she's a Christian going to a church in San Francisco.  And she dated one of my coworkers!  Small world.
550PM - Now that she knows what we're here for...every time she comes across a young couple...she'll point them out to us.  NICE!!  An ally!
555PM - My new found friend and her business gets kicked out by the restaurant.  I guess even though it's "Opened" it's not really "Opened."  We see what happens and quickly split up ourselves.
603PM - At Starbucks.  Decide to call it quits for the day.  Sharing in a time of feedback and debriefing. 

Overall... this was a wonderful experience.  I feel so energized after this event!!  Wish I could do more for God's kingdom... but as for now... I can only dream.

Mood: buzzed, despite no alchy

Thursday, January 13, 2011


我輩禱告研經,所為何事?背起十架、十一奉獻固然乃是本份,但這只是神國小者。教會內所以簡稱我一聲『梁僕人』,實因敬我愛神愛人、奮不顧身的擴張神國。 然我才力有限,不能將福音傳到地極,實在愧當『僕人』兩字。你聰明智慧過我十倍,將來成就定然遠勝於我,這是不消說的。只盼你心頭牢牢記著『愛神愛人,神國大者』這八個字,日後名揚天下,成為父神喜悅的好僕人。 ~瀚舜

Thursday, January 06, 2011


我輩練功學武,所為何事?行俠仗義、濟人困厄固然乃是本份,但這只是 俠之小者。江湖上所以尊稱我一聲『郭大俠』,實因敬我為國為民、奮不顧身的助守襄陽。 然我才力有限,不能為民解困,實在愧當『大俠』兩字。你聰明智慧過我十倍,將來成就定然遠勝於我,這是不消說的。只盼你心頭牢牢記著『為國為民,俠之大者』這八個字,日後 名揚天下,成為受萬民敬仰的真正大俠。 ~郭靖