Monday, January 24, 2011

As we forgive those who trespass against us...

Late Saturday night, I get an email from dad.  He just got a call from our relatives in Mainland China.  Someone has just trespassed and violated our ancestors' gravesite.  That in itself is a travesty, especially to our culture where we hold our ancesters to such high regards, to a point where it crosses respect to, dare I say, worship? 

Anyhow... what really weighed on my heart is when my dad mentioned that they interrupted the feng-shui of our family line.  Dad was in such distraught, he had to take the day off from work. 

Really? Dad...?  I guess.
Really? There's feng-shui out there that's supposedly shaping and changing my life? Hrm...
And really? Someone's interested in OUR graves? We're farmers...not King Tut!!

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