Monday, August 27, 2012

The Fatal Disease we all have... Old Age

The folks are getting old.  It's inevitable.  And it's unavoidable.  The past decade we've experienced hospital stays, increase in medication, emergency operations and finally at hand... we're planning for their retirement. 

The most recent mountain to conquer - Medicare. 

Having to apply and register and selecting plans for mom has been the biggest challenge for me this year.  What to do? How to apply? When does eligibility begin?  Holy moly... how can anyone even remotely navigate through this?

As I'm going through this with mom and as I (a college grad with a full paid education) struggle with the meaning of the nooks and crannies... makes me wonder how all those senior citizens with next to no English background can figure anything out.  It weighs heavy on my heart to just learn as much as I can.... set up two chairs and a table in the middle of Chinatown... and just help people out. 

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