Sunday, September 30, 2012

Different world...Different dreams

Remember 4 years ago when China hosted the Olympics? The theme was "One World, One Dream."  Lo and behold... I realize how far apart Joycie and I can be sometimes.

I was reading a story to Bebe, and as always, I will read it or translate it into Chinese.  Joycie asks me to read it in English, because Bebe is around Chinese folks all day...and he needs to learn English.  I, on the other hand, think that he'll have a lifetime to learn English.  Let's get as much Chinese into him now.

Joycie and I grew up in different worlds.  She grew up in HK...and came to US as a teenager, so she'll always remember the hard times with learning English.  I grew up here... and learning English was as easy as pie. 

Thought provoking indeed...

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Fly away

How many times...1 out of 1000, 1 out of 10,000, do you really kill a fly by clapping your hands together?  I got my "one" today.  Muahahhahaa...

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Eyes wide opened at 3:15AM.  That's what I get for going to bed at 10PM.

Tossed and turned for over an hour.  Finally gave up and got up at 4:45 to do chores... make a cup of coffee and listen to sports podcast. 

What's happening? I'm exhausted but can't fall asleep.  Geez.... the anxiety is actually intriguing.  Hopefully tonight will be better.

Saturday, September 08, 2012

"Aha!" moment

You ever bump into that "someone" that says "something" that rings louder than the Fourth of July fireworks? And rings truer than the income taxes and Bay Area traffic? And that advice isn't the first time you've heard it... nor is it anything earth shattering.  But it's an "Aha!" moment.

"Be careful how far you push since you have a Type A+ personality."


"What made you successful as an individual contributor won't work for you as a manager." 

This from someone who doesn't know me well at all... nor does he have vested interest in me.  But it's just unsolicited third party advice. 

Monday, September 03, 2012

Saturday, September 01, 2012

Good ol' days...

The other night at the Salvadors... Anderson, Tyrone and I, the three of us, had a few moments to sit down and just talk.  About family...about careers...about our lives...about nothing.  Just like good ol' times.  Nothing to hide...nothing to show... no hidden agenda and nearly complete transparency.

The wives were wise enough to back away for those few moments.  Either they didn't care for our conversation or they too realize we needed that moment in time...