Sunday, September 30, 2012

Different world...Different dreams

Remember 4 years ago when China hosted the Olympics? The theme was "One World, One Dream."  Lo and behold... I realize how far apart Joycie and I can be sometimes.

I was reading a story to Bebe, and as always, I will read it or translate it into Chinese.  Joycie asks me to read it in English, because Bebe is around Chinese folks all day...and he needs to learn English.  I, on the other hand, think that he'll have a lifetime to learn English.  Let's get as much Chinese into him now.

Joycie and I grew up in different worlds.  She grew up in HK...and came to US as a teenager, so she'll always remember the hard times with learning English.  I grew up here... and learning English was as easy as pie. 

Thought provoking indeed...

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