Sunday, November 25, 2012


Had the honor today to witness someone sanctify themselves and draw closer to God by throwing away "something" that doesn't please Him.  I actually have no idea what was thrown away... I just happened to be walking by when C-leung asked me to help open up the trash can.  But the conviction that person had is deeply admired.  Very cool.... a great way to end a Sunday Service oh yeeeeeeeeeeah.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Pre-Thanksgiving 2012

Been a while since I've updated.... and you get into one of those conundrums of not knowing what to write cuz so much has happened, yet none of it really matters. 

And that's really been the theme of the past month.  So much going on...yet at the end of the month, what really happened? 

Tonight...while cleaning up the house in preparation for Thanksgiving Dinner tomorrow, I find a little piece of fold up paper Joyce wrote.  It was probably from some fellowship thing we had.  In it, was a list of questions and answers.  Like..."best surprise of marriage" or "most trial times of marriage" or "difference before and after having kids..."  It was astounding seeing some of the things she wrote. 

And when all is said and done.... and I'm taking about 20 years down the line when the kids leave the house....when all is said and done... what really matters is the person you lie down next to every night.  What relationship do you have with that person?  Cuz that's not just your's your lives. 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Childhood Dream Come True

Another item off the bucket list.... 49ers season ticket holder!!! WOOT!! WOOT!!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Public Speaking (revisited again)

Dangit.... I just have the knack of it. 

Did a dry run for our ALT presentation.... and one of the best comments I've ever received (and I've received plenty) was "O captain! My captain!" 

And this wasn't people who wanted to butter me up.  This is a genuine reaction.  Oh...sometimes I want to think about joining Toastmasters.  But I would hate to go there and realize how much I suck.  Or how much more I have to learn.  Other times, I sit in Sunday sermons and think, "Man....I can deliver it so much better."  Yet....I realize delivery is one thing, I can never come up with the material.

But as much humble pie as I like to eat.... I truly thank the man above for giving me the gift of public speaking.

Monday, November 12, 2012

What a whirl....

From coming back from moving into Quint struggling to get Wi suddenly hearing she has Medi-Cal.... to getting approval of moving into senior living.... it just all happened too fast.  Too fast for me to even try to keep up.

And in a week...we'll be moving again.  At least there's light at the end of the tunnel; I think.  At least after we make this moving, we can truly calm down for a bit. 

Thursday, November 08, 2012

4 more years!!!

Wow.... first the World Series.  Now re-election!!  That's a pretty good streak.  And then on top of that... Prop 30 (raising income taxes for education) passes!!

Demos pick up Senate seats.
GOP retain the House. 

Overall... a pretty good election.