Thursday, November 22, 2012

Pre-Thanksgiving 2012

Been a while since I've updated.... and you get into one of those conundrums of not knowing what to write cuz so much has happened, yet none of it really matters. 

And that's really been the theme of the past month.  So much going on...yet at the end of the month, what really happened? 

Tonight...while cleaning up the house in preparation for Thanksgiving Dinner tomorrow, I find a little piece of fold up paper Joyce wrote.  It was probably from some fellowship thing we had.  In it, was a list of questions and answers.  Like..."best surprise of marriage" or "most trial times of marriage" or "difference before and after having kids..."  It was astounding seeing some of the things she wrote. 

And when all is said and done.... and I'm taking about 20 years down the line when the kids leave the house....when all is said and done... what really matters is the person you lie down next to every night.  What relationship do you have with that person?  Cuz that's not just your's your lives. 

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