Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Change is hard...

Been about 3 weeks since that decisive day that I need to change jobs... change career... change my lifestyle.  It's tough! Especially for someone as driven as me.

It's hard to get into work a little later than before.  And to leave work a little earlier than before. (I still get my 40+ hours in, don't worry).  But the days in the past where I toil and toil... gotta start weaning away.  It ain't easy!!  I'm still blessed/cursed with the responsibility that I have to do my best at anything I do.  I guess I get that from dad....

Life at home has gotten a lot better - exponentially.  Can't remember the last time Joyce and I got into a fight.  The other day... Nn spilled her breakfast and she didn't hesitate to tell me. That means she's not scared of disappointing me... which means I haven't ripped a new one into her for the smallest things.  SW is still scared of me.  He very much prefers mah-MEE.  In due time, I guess.

But I have to admit... this is a struggle.  I'm giving up high achievements to be at home more.  I'm giving up the satisfaction of knowing I work harder than anyone else.  I'm giving up control of my job... and to realize that the company/program CAN survive without me. 

This is all hard to do... hard to accept.  Hard to accept the fact that... I can be insignificant.  Maybe it's an ego thing.  Maybe it's a reality check.  I don't know.  In the end... I think it'll be worth it. 

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