Monday, May 26, 2014


What's more weird? A 30+ year old man playing with Barbie dolls (with his daughter) or that same 30+ year old man feeling a bit "naughty" when taking the clothes off of a supposedly 5' 8" blonde? Hmmm.... fascinatingly weird.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Eating Healthy

SW's eczema has gotten to a point that Joyce hasn't had a good night's sleep for 6 months.  Joyce battles with SW every night to keep him from scratching... breaking his skin and bleeding.  Thus starting the cycle again.  We've tried every type of lotion and ointment that's possibly for sale.  The best option is a $30 jar of ointment the size of a shotglass.  We use it up in a week!!

My mom says - avoid beef.
My aunt says - avoid duck. 
Online... it says avoid processed food.

Processed food?!?! What isn't processed nowadays?  Sugar. Flour. Bread. RICE!! Pasta. 
Do we truly have to make everything from fresh???

We must.  It's the right thing to do... for him and for us.  I need to set an example as his father.  I must....alas.... eat Eggplant... eat Mushrooms. :(

Baby steps.... I'll get there.  And if I can get use to it... maybe he'll start eating healthy too. 

Unfortunately... I've been trying for 30+ years...and I still hate eggplant, oatmeal and mushrooms. 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

"Let it go....Let it gooooo...."

Had an opportunity to fly across country from SFO to JFK on United. Those flights generally have free movies (all you can watch within 5 hours).

I took full advantage this time and started watching the moment I found my seat.  I didn't even wait for the doors to engage.  I almost jumped out of my seat when I saw "Frozen" as one of the selection.  WOOHOO!! Finally get to watch the, supposedly, greatest Disney Animated Feature of all time..... for free!

I watched "Wolf of Wall Street" first, knowing there'll be a lot of interruptions while we take off.  I didn't want my movie to be ruined.  Sure enough... there were a lot of announcements and such.  But that's ok.... it's only Leo DiCaprio.

Finally...after 3 hours (3 HOURS!!) of Wolf of Wall Street.... finally got to select Frozen.  I even went to pee ahead of time, just so I don't have to walk away half way through the movie.

Got my snack ready. Got my drink ready.... and "LET IT GO!!"

20 minutes in.... I knew I was in for biggest disappointment of my life.  Oh gawd...
Yea sure...the animation was nice, but it's CGI'ed.

The story line? Lame... too fast.... no story development.
Olaf the Snowman... not funny.  Annoying, actually.
"Let it Go?" that was 30 minutes into the film....and after she "let it go..." she secluded herself???
Ilsa's talking parts... missing
Love story.... not so much.
Sisters love... ok, I give you that.
Big musical scores?Just one.
Final battle? Disastrous.

The best thing out of this movie.... was it's free.
As for the movie itself? Let it blow....Let it blow.....

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Pump it Up!!

Went to our first organized, corporate kids birthday party at "Pump it Up."  Man.... so much easier than what we did for Nui-nui's first party.  Everything was taken care of.  Food, entertainment, A/C, cake, party favors.... EVERYTHING!!!!  All for a mere $350. 

What were we doing wrong! Geez!

Sunday, May 04, 2014

Rough year...

So I'm a jaded sports fan.  There are folks around the country who beg to be semi-competitive and not be the laffing stock of everyone. And here I am... Complaining about the Niners... Sharks... And now he Warriors being eliminated from the playoffs. THE PLAYOFFS!!!

Sigh.... The playoffs.... :(
what a year...the Giants are gonna kill me. I should stop watching sports now.

Thursday, May 01, 2014



三歲喇, 淨係識果兩三句英文。 今日喺公園, 同個鬼妹仔玩。 瀡完滑梯, 竟然話: "Again?"

人地唔show佢, 話: "No."

小華好自然咁答: "Why?"
