Friday, January 30, 2015

Parent Teacher Conference

Nui-nui's Kindergarten Parent Teacher Conference. Her teacher came and got us...and before we even sat down, she said, "I have nothing to say.  We're done."

I snap back with, "Ok... have a nice weekend!"

All kidding aside, we really do know what's up with Nui-nui.  Her teacher is always in communications with us and from our own unprofessional evaluation, we basically know where Nui-nui stands.

So instead of hearing her talk, I needed to take a sudden turn.  I had to tell her some of my thoughts.  And when I started tell her what a great job her two Pre-K teachers did...and what she's doing right now... I started welling up in tears.

Then I asked... How can we pray for you?
And her first response was, "We need God's love and protection to be with us."  The tears really started to flow.

It's not about academics.  It's not about math or reading or Montessori Projects.  It's about God's love and His presence with these children.  

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