Sunday, May 31, 2015

Worst Job in the World

One of the worst jobs in the world... is being the son and daughter of Henry Leung. 

You'll never win.  You'll never be good enough.  You'll never be diligent enough...or have enough manners... or ever reach your parents' lofty expectations.

This evening... my daughter belted out the entire National Anthem as if she was singing in front of a capacity crowd at AT&T.

My son... having never been exposed to the English language beyond the weekly Sunday Schools and occasional KQED cartoons can carry on a conversation with any kid at a park.

And even today... the day where I vowed I will NOT come down on them for whatever they did "wrong...".... I still came down on them.

What is it with being a child of mine? 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


                       奕 葉 茂 彬 華
                       宏 遠 而 光 大




Wednesday, May 13, 2015

It's a marathon... not a sprint

Big bro texted me: "She said it was the best Mother's Day present ever..."

He had just organized a cemetery visit to grandpa's grave with 30 of mom's closest relatives in HK.  After that.. they had a big dinner and then Facetime'ed with me.  Best Mother's Day ever.


Then Big Bro said, "I've done my part."


He scored twice the past calendar year.  He took dad back to our village and threw a huge party with our relatives.  Then he took mom back home and threw another huge party with our relatives.  Fulfilling both of their dreams.  It truly is a herculean effort and a miracle to pull off.  And I can't be happier for them....

But has he "done his part?" He certainly has done a lot... more than I can ever do, ever.  But please... don't let this be your part.  Please continue to rock the boat for the remaining years of their lives.

Monday, May 04, 2015


Successful picked a Master Lock tonight. Mind u... It was my own. And I did it cuz I lost the combination. Suddenly... Feel so vulnerable.