Friday, July 31, 2015

Remodel - Day 25

GC came over today to review progress and surprisingly, we're right on schedule!! 

Joyce took the day off so we can go cabinet shopping in the city. She's sitting with the designer for over an hour going thru every little detail. I... On the other hand... Volunteered to go buy coffee for everyone.... Even the designer.  If everyone plays their part, we'll all be much happier... No?

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Remodel - Day 24

The inevitable finally came.  The GC had us call the original architect to redraw the plans.
Not sure if the architect's at fault? The GC is at fault? Or the city is at fault for not catching it.

I had 5 different GC's look at the drawings... none of them caught it.

Oh well...

And Joyce is getting really annoyed having to deal with them.  High and quick demands from us... but slow to respond to our requests.  Glad she's doing most of the face work now... and not me.  I would just yell and belittle them.  And probably burn a couple of bridges here and there.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Remodel - Day 19

Not a lot of updates lately... cuz that's exactly it.  There are no updates.

The GC has slowed down a lot.  He blames it on the city... and the fact there's a 5 day waiting period between scheduling and the inspector coming out.  I think they're busy working some other project cuz they bit off more than they can chew.  Anyhoo... 

Joyce is having headaches again.  Not real headaches.  But the headaches of picking through thousands (no kidding) of options for cabinets, tiles, roof color sinks, tubs, etc... You name it, she has trouble picking it.

I'd love to help.. but this is one of those times when your wife asks you, "what do you think honey?" you honestly and most seriously should say, "Hmm... i'm not sure.  what do you think?" And leave it at that...

Friday, July 17, 2015

Foundation Laid

Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock. -Matt 7:24-25

Foundation inspection passed!
Oh... And the GC is starting to slip us a bunch of "proposed improvements" (aka change order)

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Who am I???

On a 5 hour cross country flight with no free flight entertainment... I read the entire Wall Street Journal from cover to cover.  HA!! Who am I????

Friday, July 10, 2015

Remodeling - Day 5

Less than a week into construction and we approve our very first change order!! YAY!! $3000.... unexpected.  Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

The GC knows this game too well.  He knows exactly what needs to be included and quoted... and what can be kept out and let the customer make the Change Request.  Sigh.... 

Thursday, July 09, 2015

Remodeling - Day 4

Fence is up!!

Ohhhhh.... But house is down. 

Was extremely poignant today when I saw them saw away my bushes and shrubbery. All that work to maintain my landscape... Gone!!

Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Remodeling Day 2

The fence never came but demo started. The crew took away all our junk... As expected. And took away a bunch of our walls.  Also as expected... No insulation. Ha!

Got a call from our neighbor around 930PM. One of our sprinkler is busted and spilled water everywhere. Most water my lawn has seen all year. 

Monday, July 06, 2015

Remodeling - BLAST OFF!!!

Today's the day!! GC was suppose to set up the fence today. And of course... He didn't. So off the bat... He's already running behind!!

Did my last cleanup work. Moved everything and anything into the garage. Then covered it up with tarps. MAN!! That was a lot of work!!

Saturday, July 04, 2015

Remodeling T-minus 1 day

Woke up today and I was soooooo sore. Ohhhhhh my goodness. My calves were killing me. All that lifting and running up and down the stairs.

I swear... I am never buying anything again!! Never!!

Took the night off and drove up to the Church on the Hill to watch fireworks with the kids. Saw all Bay Area shows simultaneously. Breathtaking!!!

After returning from the hill... Went back to the old home and finished cleaning. And that's when i had a "moment."  Looked at this wall of work and literally flashing in front of my eyes were the last 3-4 years of my kids growing up. Heartbreaking to have to tear down.

Friday, July 03, 2015

Remodeling T-minus 2 days

Movers came and moved today... Wow!! Watching three grown men move a piano is a sight to see. Ended up spending >$600 for the move. Worth every penny.

Funny thing is... Last time I did the same move, it was all my high school and college friends. We're too old to do this anymore!!

Thursday, July 02, 2015

Remodeling T-minus 3 days

Tomorrow the movers will come at 830am. And we still have so much stuff to pack. Why... Why did she insist on moving the kitchen stuff over?? She could've used her time to sort through all the other stuff. Ahhh whatever.

Invited Eden Fellowship over to the new place to bless our home. Turned out to be great fellowship time. We prayed... We worshipped... And i brought bread and grape juice for us to "break bread." That was the first official meal at our temporary home. 

Tomorrow... Is another day.