Saturday, July 25, 2015

Remodel - Day 19

Not a lot of updates lately... cuz that's exactly it.  There are no updates.

The GC has slowed down a lot.  He blames it on the city... and the fact there's a 5 day waiting period between scheduling and the inspector coming out.  I think they're busy working some other project cuz they bit off more than they can chew.  Anyhoo... 

Joyce is having headaches again.  Not real headaches.  But the headaches of picking through thousands (no kidding) of options for cabinets, tiles, roof color sinks, tubs, etc... You name it, she has trouble picking it.

I'd love to help.. but this is one of those times when your wife asks you, "what do you think honey?" you honestly and most seriously should say, "Hmm... i'm not sure.  what do you think?" And leave it at that...

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