Monday, February 22, 2016

Remodel - Day 227

On Saturday, we finally came face to face with the GC again.  We hadn't seen him since our huge fallout over a month ago.  After a month of avoiding us... speaking to us behind his secretary, his son, his foreman... he finally had to show up.  And you can sense his level of frustration that he's stored up the past month.

The silver lining in all of this... I wasn't there. It was just Joyce.  Otherwise, this post will probably be littered with F-bombs and cuss-words. 

A couple of notable quotes from him. 

"For you, it's emotional.  For me, it's all about money.  I'm spending so much money. I don't have a dime!!"

"I've never had a client as picky as you two!" 

"You've made me re-do everything twice!!"

"I'll hire a Licensed Contractor and he'll agree with me... everything's fine!"

"That contract you wrote... it's not worth what you're making me do for you guys."  

"Don't get me wrong. I'm not mad at you.  I'm mad at them! (pointing to his crew) 

According to Joyce... he walked with her around the house TWICE.  Pointing to this and that... and how we've caused him pain and suffering.  And how we've delayed his schedule. And how our architect set up him up in a losing position. 

Man oh man oh man... had it been me, and not Joyce, I would've let him have it.  I wouldn't have been the polite, well-mannered, composed Christian.  She is such a great testimony for Christ.  Me.... not so much.  I would've been a 100% hypocrite of what I claim to be and what I'm actually doing. 

And now... .we wait.  Cross our fingers and hope we pass Final Inspection on Tuesday.

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