Monday, October 24, 2016

Another one bites the dust...

Three family deaths in one week. 

One in China.  One in Vancouver.  And one here, in San Francisco.
Went to the funeral service on Sunday and witnessed dad cry.  Part of me thinks he forced himself to cry to grab attention and he overplayed the situation.  Part of me thinks he really misses the departed.  And part of me thinks.... he's realizing that with all his peers moving on... that his number could be coming up.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Kindergarten - Part II

Had the rare opportunity to see SW "play" with his friends after school today.  A bunch of 3rd, 4th, 5th graders were playing Four Squares.  And like any 3rd, 4th, 5th grader... they play to win.  But SW would line up... literally a head shorter than the rest of them... and act like he's part of their crowd. 

These young adults... they play rough.  They play to win.  The ball is traveling at lightning fast speed.  There's no way SW can keep up with them. No way!!  But when it's finally his turn to play... all the other kids flip a switch. 

The server, purposely serves it really easy for SW so that he can return the ball.  Whoever gets the ball next will fire the ball at light speed at the other guys.  But every 3rd of 4th hit... they know to hit the ball very lightly to SW.  So that he can return the ball back to them.  One kid in particular purposely LOST to SW.... and he played it out like SW really killed the ball. 

There are many other little things they do... like if SW gets hit with the ball... all the boys will crowd around him to see if he's OK.  Or they will whisper to one another and remind one another that, "Hey!! Hit it lightly to him!"  And they all know he doesn't speak English - but they don't make fun of him or pick on him. 

These kids.  These young adults. They were raised correctly.  My heart melts to see that there are people out there who are taking care of my son.... my little peanut.

Joyce told me that one of the mom's said, "My son loves taking care of younger kids... as long as that kid is not his brother!" 

Thank you Jesus.... for letting SW experience this. I pray that he will one day, turn into these young adults, and share this love with future young, ambitious children who don't know any better.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Sibling Rivalry

Yesterday Nn said something quite astounding. She complained the whole school cheers for SW when he plays four squares. And he gets preferential treatment and always gets to serve. She ended her rant by saying, "個個人鍾意小華多過我。" Wow!! Did I hear that right??  Nn is jealous of her brother's popularity??? 

I guess throughout her first few years at school, she's always been the center of attention. Huda think her first rival.... Would be her sibling!

Under all the hilarity, I'm super pleased that Nn is willing to share her deepest feelings with us. Before I pass any judgement, first and foremost she is open and honest. And I pray this won't change - ever.

Saturday, October 08, 2016


I can't help but admire and boast about SW... and his leaps and bounds in going to school. 

The principal called me aside the other day and said, "I had him in my office for a chat and he spoke so well!  I was surprised!"  Should I be surprised that he spoke so well...? Or should I be surprised he was called into the principal's office?

SW is 5.... the ripe age for kindergarten.  But everyone in his class are almost all redshirts.  So they've either gone to kindergarten twice... or they're at least a year older.  But the kids will still play with SW and not pick on him.  Is it because they think he's cute? Or do they really bond???

SW says he has two best friends.  One of this "best friends" gave him some Pokemon cards... to which we started playing with at home.  Does SW really have a best friend??? In reality... sadly to say... these are his first group of friends aside from the Fellowship kids...and Han Yi. 

SW is reciting nursery rhymes and singing a bunch of English songs.  When did he advance so much???

And yet.... at the Pumpkin Festival today... he was still mistaken for a girl (due to his long hair).  And he was still thought of as being 3 or 4 years old (again, he's 5).

My son..... the happy go lucky guy who's now suddenly the biggest Star Wars and Pokemon fan in the world.