Saturday, October 08, 2016


I can't help but admire and boast about SW... and his leaps and bounds in going to school. 

The principal called me aside the other day and said, "I had him in my office for a chat and he spoke so well!  I was surprised!"  Should I be surprised that he spoke so well...? Or should I be surprised he was called into the principal's office?

SW is 5.... the ripe age for kindergarten.  But everyone in his class are almost all redshirts.  So they've either gone to kindergarten twice... or they're at least a year older.  But the kids will still play with SW and not pick on him.  Is it because they think he's cute? Or do they really bond???

SW says he has two best friends.  One of this "best friends" gave him some Pokemon cards... to which we started playing with at home.  Does SW really have a best friend??? In reality... sadly to say... these are his first group of friends aside from the Fellowship kids...and Han Yi. 

SW is reciting nursery rhymes and singing a bunch of English songs.  When did he advance so much???

And yet.... at the Pumpkin Festival today... he was still mistaken for a girl (due to his long hair).  And he was still thought of as being 3 or 4 years old (again, he's 5).

My son..... the happy go lucky guy who's now suddenly the biggest Star Wars and Pokemon fan in the world.

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