Monday, July 17, 2017


So after hearing a random podcast where the host mentions he goes on a periodic 5 day cleansing diet, I decided to do one too!  Couple that with my upcoming NY Trip where I'll be gorging myself with anything but healthy food... I better set up my body now.

The first thing they say about cleansing is to quit caffeine.  Ohhhhhhhhhhh..... that first day was atrocious.  I was literally shaking and feeling every pore of my arms opening and closing, gasping for air.

I did some research and decided to go on a "Juice and Fruit diet."  The next several days... I continued on the juice and fruit diet.  One night... I had steamed fish and veggies.  But most other nights, they were apples, berries and juice. I threw in some raw almonds and cashews.  Oh... and bottles after bottles of Naked Juice.  ($7.99 at Lucky's.  $7.00 at Target.  $5.89 at Costco!!!)

By golly... other than the first day, the caffeine withdrawal wasn't bad at all.  The hunger pangs and grumbling were overcome with juice and water.  Got a couple of runs and swims in over the 5 day diet... and lo and behold... I lost 3 lbs, broke my addiction (or habit) of coffee, and now I've inspired a couple people around me to do the same.


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