Sunday, August 20, 2017

Tale as old as time... song as old as rhyme...

Beauty and the Beast....

It's easily... bar-none... my favorite Disney animated feature.  Ranked higher than any Pixar films, even....

Watched the Live Action version of Beauty and the Beast this week and................#$@*&^!%&!

One of the worst movies EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lip-syncing, horrible acting, lousy camera-work, incomprehensible screenplay.... YES... the script is based exactly on the cartoon... but the live-action bombs.  Keep it as a cartoon!!  Two people can't fall in love in two days.  Emma Watson is speaking with a British accent........... in France!!!  The "animated" servants was horridly disgusting.  And none of the songs were catchy...

Ugh.... glad I didn't rush to the theaters to watch it.  And now I regret even watching it.

Iger, please don't ruin anymore of my childhood classics... please.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Money in your Pockets - Pt 1

A new series on this blog called "Money in your Pockets" where I give financial advice.  Not because I'm qualified, nor I'm an expert, nor am I correct in my assumptions. Just random thoughts I heard people share or ideas I came up with...

Some people say the best way to save money is to skip that daily Starbucks guilty pleasure.  Seriously???? $5/day ($25 a week / $100 a month / $500 $1200 a year) won't save you jack!  So if you feel like ordering a Venti Iced Skinny Hazelnut Macchiato, Sugar-Free Syrup, Extra Shot, Light Ice, No Whip...with a drizzle of caramel then you're entitled to it! 

Monday, August 07, 2017

My daughter

每晚,兩個乖乖都要我講故仔先肯瞓。 有時我都會搵藉口skip一兩次。

試題是來自「射鵰」的尋找一燈那一段。郭靖黃蓉在尋找一燈大師求醫時,偶遇神算子瑛姑。 瑛姑為了救周伯通苦綀奇門遁甲之術。但苦讀多年仍未能解答這條問題。 而小諸葛黃蓉不費吹灰之力就可以將一至九、打橫、打直、打斜,係九方格都可以加成15 。

我家的不是小諸葛,是小囡囡。 她用了短短十分鐘就計得出。 


Sunday, August 06, 2017

It's tough....

Ask me what my favorite bible verse is.... and 9 out of 10 times, I will say 1 Cor 10:13:

And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted,he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

We have some family and family friends who are raising kids that have development issues.  Their kids are loud, obnoxious, insolent, down-right spoiled.....!!  I try not to... but I look at them and my first instinct is to judge the parents.

My second thoughts are.... I probably can not do any better as a parent.  I'm not a good parent... I was blessed with greatkids.  It's the great parents (the GREAT ones) that God has chosen to raise the children with special needs.

God bless those parents.  Lord knows they need all the grace and mercy.

P.S. - I love my kids.....

Thursday, August 03, 2017

Like Christmas morning...

In Chinese School today, the kids each got a spinster toy - the $2 toy that was a craze about 4 months ago. Almost every kid in school had it... and being the cheap, frugal parents we are, the kids didn't even bother asking us to buy it for them, cuz they knew we'd say "No."

But when I picked them up... boy were they happy. All they wanted to do was go home and play with it... aka spin it on their finger. SW even went down to say, "This is my favorite toy! I've always wanted this."

Gotta ask myself.... why don't I spend that $2 to make them happy? Why make them go through this long wait... where they MIGHT get a gift they've always wanted?? What kind of parent am I?