Friday, January 19, 2018

Aging Parents

Spent over an hour this morning trying to unravel a Fraud Alert on mom's credit card account.  On the phone, mom is adamant she doesn't recognize the charge... so the credit card company blocked the charge and issued mom a new card. 

After hanging up, I had the chance to sit down and unravel the entire mystery behind it.  And lo and behold... I don't think it a Fraud charge.... but mom was tricked into signing up for some subscription when she did her online purchasing.  Those websites can be so tricky... even for a seasoned user like myself.  An old lady that barely knows English doesn't stand a chance.

I didn't want to rip into mom.... she is just know venturing into online purchasing.  There's so much she doesn't know.  And with the world moving away from brick-n-mortar... she's gotta learn some day.  And this is what we're dealing with now.  Aging parents. 

Technology is moving so fast... how do they keep up??  And on the darker side... I have so many friends who's parents visit the clinic and hospital more frequent than I visit Costco.  My team seems like they take turn asking for personal time off to take their folks to this appointment or that appointment.  It's so surreal.....

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