Monday, February 26, 2018

Hunting for Shoes

Biz trip to the South East.... Tennesee / Alabama / Louisiana.  Got to SFO only to realize I forgot to pack my black dress shoes. 

Have no fret... I'm flying into a metropolitan area.  There's bound to be shoes.  I land around 6:30PM CST.  And instead of hitting up a DSW, I decide to have dinner at Downtown Nashville.   By the time I was done, a lot of the stores were closed.  D'oh!!

Have no fret... trusty Target closes at 11PM.  I go to Target and all they have are women's shoes!!  D'oh!!!

Have no fret... there's a Kohl's about 0.5 mile away that closes in 20 minutes. I race over there and find there are shelves and shelves of men's shoes.  But geez louise... they're all size 9 and below!!  Do everyone in Nashville have big feet?!?!  And I ain't gonna spend $80 on an ugly pair of shoes... I'm not fashiony, but I am thrifty!!   D'oh!!

Have no fret... there's old reliable Walmart next door.  Haha..... and at Walmart, I find a pair of decent black shoes for $25!!!! WOOHOO!!! 

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Vacation is tiring!!

Kids had Winter Break last week - so we took at trip to So Cal and went to the Great Wolf Lodge - an indoor water park.  I can't say enough about how I hate LA traffic.  Both NYC and LA traffic makes Bay Area traffic look like a walk in the park.

Some highlights from this trip:
  1. Indoor water park is consistently set at 84 deg F.  NICE!!!
  2. The water slides are very high... which meant we had to lug those tubs u many many flights of stairs many many times.  Kids don't get tired. Adults do.
  3. The water in the water park was.... salty.  Ugh....
  4. The hotel had this electronic scavenger hunt that lasted the kids 8-9 hours (in aggregate).  Great idea - whoever thought of and marketed this.  Served as great downtime.
  5. There was a $9.99 Unlimited Dunkin Donuts coffee cup.  I got my money's worth - seeing how I drink coffee like water.
  6. We had dinner at Hataka Ramen (again).  Still have pictures of 2012, 2014 when we went.  It's nice to go back in time and see how the kids have changed and grown.
  7. The weather was too cold for the beach - kids was really looking forward to it.  But on the last day, it got warm enough where we can build some sand castles.  YEAH!!!
  8. Stopped by Firestones on the way down. BOOM!! And hit up Black Bear Diner on the way up.  BOOM BOOM!!
  9. Kids had a huge skin reaction to the massive chlorine so they're skin really broke out.
  10. SW had a huge reaction to pollen when we pulled over by, what I think is, an Almond Tree Orchard.  Luckily we had benadryl in the car.
Next family trip.... road trip to San Diego!!!

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Pathetic... absolutely pathetic

I was sick the other night and didn't want to do anything but lie in bed.  So I go on hoopla and found the documentary on the 2015 Warriors Championship season.  Re-watching history and re-watching one of the greatest season of my life... I was absolutely sick to the stomach.

It's sacrilege for me to say this....

Watching the fans scream and yell out the names of the players is absolutely pathetic!  Do the fans really think yelling out "Go Steph!!" or "Let's go Klay!!" will really help the cause of winning a championship?? Especially if you pay $200 to sit in nosebleeds??

Geez.... watching them is watching me.  I'm pathetic.  Ugh.....

Friday, February 09, 2018


FIRE - Financial Independence Retire Early

Here's a Rule of Thumb I just learned.  Nothing earth shattering or ground breaking -- the "25x Rule."

Take your annual spendings (food, gas, mortgage, insurance, etc...) and x 25.  That's how much money you need to retire.

If I spend $10k a month. 
That means I spend $120k a year. 
$120k x 25 = $3M.