Monday, February 28, 2022

Counting down the days...

As I was preparing my end of practicing speech... I quickly realized... we have 2 games left.  And with the 2 games... we only have 5 practices left.  To some... it's a relief.  No more drills. No more 17's or liners.  No more bad jokes from the coaches. But to me... this is sealing their fate and with that, my time spent with my beloved daughter and her friends.  I had a chance to bond with NN.... a chance to see how she interacts with her peers... a chance to spend a brief moment in time with her before she starts ignoring me during her teenage years.

It may have meant nothing to the players... cuz in a couple of weeks... they'll move onto their spring sports and get a whole new set of motivational speeches. But for me... the end draws near. I'm running out of runway. I need to cherish every last moment I have with my girl... my girlS. 

Friday, February 25, 2022

Hitting the links

I first fell in love with this sport (game) back in high school.. .when I begged my volleyball coach to take us to the driving range.  It was my never-ending pursuit to "fit in", to be "American", to keep up with the "Jones." I still remember taking the bus with him to the now demolished driving range on 4th and Brannan by 280 - where we ran into Mr. Long - the Vice Principal of our high school.  I had one GOOD drive that day... right in front of my two elders. 

I love this sport because it takes discipline.  It takes a lot (A LOT) of practice to hone your skills.  It's both a mental and physical game.  And alas... it's ultimately a game against yourself.

I hate this sport because it's expensive.  The equipment is pricey.  I inherited my set of clubs from a friend who left the states and never came back.  A bucket of balls at the driving range is $10-15.  The cheapest green fees are around $20.... a cart is another $20.  

For all the right reasons to play... there was an equally opposite reason to not play.  So 10+ years ago... when I had two young kids... I stopped.  But the person who sent me into retirement, ironically, pulled me out of retirement. Must've been at least 10 years since I last played golf when I played the front 9 with colleagues at work. 10+ years later... I get to hit the links and play 9-hole with Siu Wah, his best friend and his dad.  

This post shouldn't be about me.  It's about spending time with my son.  The care-free, goofy, fun-loving, jovial, non-competitive, but ohhh so competitive Sweet Siu Wah.  He absolutely loved every minute of it.  He loves honeing his skills.  He loves the fact that he can get better.  He loves the fact that he is there... with his best friend.  

He's oblivious to course etiquette.  He doesn't know that you can't use a tee on the fairway.  He doesn't know that you only get ONE mulligan.  He doesn't know he's holding up the foursome behind us.  He doesn't know... he doesn't need to know.  

In the midst of all the chaos... I forgot I had the pencil in my hat, so I didn't keep score.  I wish I had.  I wish I asked Ken to take a picture of us.  Father and son.  I wish I had captured that moment in time.  But maybe... just maybe... today... will forever be seared into SW's memories... like that day I had my first drive that day on 4th and Brannan.  

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Science Camp

5 days and 4 nights... NN goes off on Science Camp in Scotts Valley.  This isn't her first time away from home.  In 4th grade, she went on the Gold Rush Mining Camp.  Then in 5th grade, she went to the very same Science Camp weeks before SIP.  But both times... mommy was a chaperone.  This time, she's there alone.  We didn't want to be the overbearing parents... but alas... this was her first time out alone.  So we did clamp down a bit on her packing... including granola bars and a cup of noodles. Heh.

As the days go by… we have a chaperone sending out pics and videos of the kids. They’re happy. They’re safe. So grateful for this parent. And I’m a little weary… that in front of SW… we don’t spend too much time admiring these texts. He’s just as important to us as NN is.

And in the midst of all this…oddly… I don’t find myself missing NN. For one… she’s happy. And for two… she’s happy. Does anything else really matter??

Saturday, February 19, 2022

The End

At exactly 10:07AM… I receive a text “He’s gone.” And with that… marks the end of an era. B is gone. And with that text… a part of me withered. Words can not be used to describe this moment and the days to come. But I do know… he was loved… and he will be missed. Even from me…{{B}}. Always and forever…

Thursday, February 17, 2022


A week off for Sevvies Science Camp…. And we scrimmage with the A team. They’re much more skillful than we are. Their dribbles.. their offense.. their transitions. But in the midst from all the madness… NN pulls up and sinks a shot. 

“I wanted to cry, Daddy.” 

To show them… to show the coaches… that they demoted the wrong person. 

In reality… we lost that scrimmage,,, but that moment…. That moment in time… nothing else mattered. She sunk a 2 ptr. It was…. Redemption.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

It's not good-bye...

Had the privilege, honor, and pleasure to meet for the first time (and possibly the very last time) a {{dear friend}} of a {{dear friend}}.  I say... possibly last time... because this Friday... this dear friend will be given the passage to move into doggie heaven.  The bible doesn't say it... and a lot of Sunday School teachings say that's what separates humans from animals.  Well... in my recent study of the Hebrew bible... I beg to differ.  I do believe there is a place in heaven for our pets and our minds are limiting to what God is capable of for the simple pleasure of being exclusive.

 In 5 words.

Docile - He looked at me.  Smelt I wasn't any danger and let me pet him.  Pet him?? I was downright assaulting him!!

Companion - I sat there and just hung out.  Our personal bubbles were intersected. 

Chill - 泰山崩於前而色不變.  With the sky as his blanket and grass as his bed, the world could be crumbling and he wouldn't care.  "I'm good." 

Content - I don't need surf and turf. I don't need mai-tai's or mimosa's.  Gimme what I like... a treat and some popcorn and I'm happy as a clam.

Tenacious - Just because I'm old and I've lost my bark... doesn't mean I won't give you 110% to beg for my popcorn.  Those puppy eyes never leave you.  And it may be soft... but those barks come through loud and clear.  Mmm hmm...

I didn't know you well, but I will never forget you.  You brought joy into myself through a different channel by being the source of joy to people that mattered so much to me.  Admittedly.. I will never have that bond with an animal - just not wired that way. But I won't second guess the unspeakable bond that truly does exist. My heart is crumbling from the pain that I feel second handed.  Lord knows what the first handed pain feels like.  

Oceans rise.  

Empires fall.  

Seasons pass. 

And so will we.  

This is not good-bye... my friend  

For one day we shall meet again. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Quietly nod and just walk away...

Came into practice today and saw one of my girls dressed in her boots and a nice skirt and cute blouse.  She took a big spill yesterday... so I went over to ask, "You doing ok? Still feeling it from yesterday's fall?"

"Yeah... that.  And I having my period.  So I can't practice." 


10 years ago... someone did the same thing at work... and I said, "Oh, I understand."  Only to have two laser beam eyes incinerate my head with the roar of, "YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND!!!" 


(Quietly nod). "Glad you can still be here to support us!" (And I walked away - with head intact). 

Monday, February 14, 2022

It's all worth it....

It's the worst kept secret in the world.... JH basketball... particularly 7th and 8th graders are the worst.  They're easily distracted.  They talk back.  They challenge your authority.  And they ask "Why" in everything you say (or don't say). 

Head Coach Mike was busy today so I had to run practice.  What a Pain in the Neck.... I felt like laying the smack down on half the girls for their attention span or insouciance. I even ripped into one of them (NN, no less).

Then.... I bump into Dorcas.  She goes to our church and has a child in 12th grade.  We got to talking and my words were, "I get a chance to see my daughters' friends. I get to hang out with someone who might ignore me for the next 5 years. For all the pain and agony... it's all worth it."

And indeed... it truly is.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

That time of the year...

Usually.. Christmas decorations stay up until after Epiphany.. the Roman Catholic celebration of the 3 Kings visiting Baby Jesus.  Truth be told... Epiphany was January 6th.... and on February 13th... our Christmas Tree finally came down. 

Saturday, February 12, 2022


 一年一度嘅新春晚會又告一段落。只可惜今年的質素是我在教會十幾年來最差的一次。 係唔係我比太少時間大家準備?抑或我哋用Zoom去做新春晚會已經到了盡頭。Breakout Room 仍然是一個大問題。有好多朋友根本唔識點參加Breakout Room. 但如果佢地入到Breakout Room大家都玩得好開心.


Roy put it best… 今晚的高潮是黃太瞓着咗。 heh.. how fitting.

希望中秋晚會我哋真係可以實體聚會。 打破過去呢兩年的記錄。

Friday, February 11, 2022

Earning my Stripes

4th game into the season... I finally earned by stripes.  I earned my official TKA Basketball Polo.  Heh...

Didn't come without a price. 

Blood, sweat, tears. 

Going and helping out with practice at 3:15PM, almost every day, after work.  Coaching a bunch of 7th and 8th grade girls.  Ohhhhh boy.  Not easy.

And today... I find out that the head coach will be out at our next game.  So I'm gonna be coaching the team the next time.  Me! Coaching! Dunno if I can do it. I'm already thinking about my pre-game and post game speech.  This will not be easy. Especially after such a horrible loss today... when we collapsed.  To a point where NN was stripped of being a point guard for all her turnovers... only to see none of our others players can pass a ball. I don't know if I can do it.... I don't know if THEY can do it.

All I know is... I'm living, breathing, eating basketball... every waking moment of my life.

Wednesday, February 09, 2022


A {{dear friend}} is now faced with the ultimate separation challenge... the day when the vet says, "We need to put him down." 

The exact reason why I will never get a pet.  Not the midnight walks.  Not the poop picking.  Not the thousand dollar salon fees.  But the inevitable separation. 

There's nothing I can say that will console them.  There's nothing I can do that will make this be easier.  I'm at a complete loss of how to "be there for a friend."  And here I am... balling my eyes out... for a pet that I've never met... but means so much to me... cuz it means so much to {{them}}. 

Monday, February 07, 2022


As Glinda coined it in Wicked….”because Happy is what happens when all of you’re dreams… come true.”


My dream of working at the ATC finally came true…and as added bonus, I inadvertently get to work with {{someone}}.

What a day…. What a day….

Friday, February 04, 2022

Brotherly Love

Super Sweet 小華 is at it again.  Was sitting on NN's desk and found her "bookmark." The amazing thing is... he truly is NN's biggest fan.  

All the encouraging words he delivers to NN.  He'll ask about her basketball practice.  The morning of a game.. he'll always say, "I know you guys will win."  And the times when we don't win... he still says the sweetest and most encouraging things to continue to cheer NN on. Not sure where he gets in from... but I hope he doesn't ever lose it. 

Thursday, February 03, 2022

Losing streak

Three games into the season... and we are exactly where we DON'T want to be.... we're 0-3.  

Practice is fun.

Basketball is fun.

But you know what's really fun...??? WINNING!!!  Winning is fun!!!

And this last game.... tho we held our opponents to the lowest any other opponents have scored... for the first time.. we only scored in single digits.  Grrrrr.... 

Basketball is hard...but yet... it's so frustrating watching the girls run around and not even make a shot attempt, let alone score.  And the few times NN had the ball... was making a fast break for an uncontested lay up... she would BRICK!!!

We now have so many BRICKS... we can build a house!!

What can I do?!?!?!? How do I coach the girls to create shots and make the shots?!?!?!  Back on youtube for some coaching advice.