Thursday, February 23, 2023

ESL and Tutoring

We officially kicked off this year's ESL and Tutoring classes.  After 15 years at Rock Spring and 5 years at Santee... we're finally returning home and teaching ESL at church.  Partnering with Pastor Jos and Nueva Vida... we're reaching out to our neighbors and friends again.  

We have over 60 registered.  First night... 20 showed up.  Second night... 21 showed up.  And not to mention their kids who need tutoring.  Two of which, are 3rd and 5th graders from Taiwan that arrived in December.  NN and SW had their work cut out for them. One on One conversation tutoring and it was a two way street.  They mustered up all their Chinese skills... only to be throttled by the native speakers.  All the meanwhile... trying to impart to them some American English, including SW's famous "Sup bruh..."  

On our way home tonight... they couldn't stop talking about their ESL session.  I was just beaming... smiling from ear to ear.  My kids... are loving their experience of serving.  May this continue to blossom and grow for the rest of their lives. 

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