Saturday, March 11, 2023


It's been many years since I've gone out to the public and evangelized.  We use to do a lot at community colleges and Universities.  We've gone out to Asian Markets before.  I can easily blame COVID... but that's just an excuse.

Upon arrival... I was surprised to find a Buddhist group set up a table across from us, doing exactly the same thing!! But Christina and Tien Dao were more prepared.  We have music with an amp and speakers.  We had more prizes.  We had more flyers.  We were offering FREE Chinese school.  And I was responsible for making balloon animals - which were a hit!! 

The actual evangelizing is always hard.  To get through the initial wall of inertia.  The fear of being rejected.  Of being annoying.  Of being... "those people."  But when I saw my peers, my friends, being relentless.  And the titans like Miranda doing everything they can to grasp the next person that walks by... it really boosts my courage.

There was a point where it was just me and Tall Ken standing by the door.  That wasn't the ideal combination.  Two big men... hovering over mostly middle aged Asian ladies.  Heh... but then, a young man in his late 20's walk up to us.  He wants to talk to us!!! He works at 99 and was on his break.  We chatted it up for a few minutes and we easily moved to the Sinner's Prayer.  He accepted Jesus into his life on the spot... and his break was over... back to work.

One fish at a time... one life at a time.  

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