Saturday, June 01, 2024

Tahoe Camping Day 2 - The Bear

 Continuation of Day 2....

We started to head back to camp... about 10 minutes from the pier... NN realizes she lost her phone.  But she doesn't have Find My turned out (d'oh!!).  But thankfully... some nice person found it and turned it into the Lost and Found.  So we picked up our phone.. picked up a nice Starbucks and off we went.

Got back to camp and folks had already started cooking.  We were in the middle camp so I started a fire... having a feeling that dinner was going to be at our picnic table.  This time I was smart... found a bunch of dry pine needles... giant pine cones... and the fire was blazing in two minutes.  I'm a pro at this now... I can make it to the final 3 if Jeff ever summons me.

Dinner was.... uhhhh-mazing!!!!!!  That Tat's bought chicken and duck that can be eaten cold.  They made some stew that we needed to reheat.  We had packs and packs of instant noodles.  And they even brought a rice cooker. Hehehehhee... camping like the Chinese do!!  Everyone showered... had their filling... and out of the blue... we hear a lot of honking from a short distance away.  First I thought it was someone's car alarm going off... then a bunch of other cars started honking.  Turns it... it was an attempt to scare off a bear!!  Roy goes and checks out what happened... and we heard "BANG! BANG! BANG!"  Someone brought an air gun and used it.  Rumors start flying that it was a giant bear that carried off someone's cooler.  And ran into the woods again.  

We didn't think much of it so we continued cleaning up and started to make smores.  Everyone settled into a bit and was having a good time when to our left... we heard a bunch of honking again!  This time it was loud and persistent.  And then... our neighbors to the left, almost like a marching army, got up in unison and started running for their cars.  We saw them do it... and I gave the command, "Let's go!"  I didn't know what was going on... but didn't want to take a chance.  Me... Joyce... the kids... and the Yu's... all 7 of us piled into our dinky little CRV.  YY was still carrying her half melted marshmellow - getting it onto everything.  We got in... I closed the door...  looked over my shoulder and there it was.  A medium size black bear... running through our neighbor's campsite.  Then it dawned on me.  Our locker is still open!!!  Our garbage is still out!!!  And like a bundle of laundry... that brown fuzzball rolled onto my campsite.  It was literally 10 feet away from the car... sniffing through garbage.. trying to find a meal or two.  Out of the corner of my eye... I then see a park ranger... slowly creep out of the bushes holding a rifle - which I think is a tranquilizer.  He slowly got closer on his approach and "zip!!!" fired away.  I didn't see or hear the bear go down.... so it must've run off.  The ranger also disappeared... he must be on hot pursuit. 

We were now at a lost... not entirely sure what to do, we decided to go take showers and then decide.  Joyce and I were on the same page.  The bear's gone...he's scared... we're safe. Right???  After showering, we came back and our neighbors thought we left.  They were packing already and calling it a weekend.  We repacked everything... sticking it in the bear locker... throwing away the garbage and got into our tents.  Then all of a sudden... blaring horns again!!!  The third time!!! That's when I decided... gotta get the wife and kids to safety.  I told them to run for the car.  This time... we're outta here.  Gonna get a hotel and not taking chances again.

Evacuation... never had to do it.  Have heard about it... seen it on TV.  But when it comes down to it... what do you really need when your life depends on it.  Car keys... phone...wallet.  Wallet!!! OH NO!!! Left my wallet in the tent.  That's when I made that precarious 10 feet trek from car to tent... and voila... I am whole again. HA!!  We made it our hotel... nice warm and clean bed.  Calling it a night... good night!!

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