Tuesday, March 01, 2005

...blah blah blah

You fight and fight. You gnaw and you bite. But in the end, I caught the mercurial cold. During the entire winter I was extra extra careful. Everytime I felt even a twinge of a cold I'll chug a gallon of orange juice. I'll even succumb to using Bath and Body works' hand sanitizer despite the unbearable scents. As the saying goes, "You can guard all day and all night. But it's your family member you can't guard against." The culprit responsible for the heinous act of spreading their disease on to me is my beloved Joyce. Her along with Andrew and PeterNorman. I was surrounded at lunch that day, sitting in the way of the wind. Every time the restaurant's door opened, their germs would bombard me like the Germans bombarded France. Trying to suppress this cold to a mere cough...but the battle is not swinging my way. Even resorted to good ol' Chinese Herbal Medicine. Probably need another dose or two, or three.

Did my Academic Projection for Masters Program. If I'm lucky and get all my classes, coupled with work being as laid back as it has the past year, on top of me finding the studiousness to take on what I ought to take on, I can get out by end of 2007. Oh Mylanta!! That's another 2.5-3 years at full load. Only saving grace in being a student is I can tell people I'm still in college - it makes me feel young. *wink* Plus I can use my Student Discount without feeling guilty. HA!

Went to the dentist for the first time in 2 years. Have over $700 worth of dental work coming up...boohoo.....=( $700 can get me a new clutch! $700 can get me back to HK! Chumps like me really oughta do my research. Who's to say this dental office isn't scewin' me over? After my little exam, this gorgeous lady comes over with a very warm smile to go over my costs. They show you two columns of numbers - What it'll cost you without insurance and What it'll cost you with insurance. Who's to say they don't jack up their prices? I didn't do any comparison shopping. Besides that, I want to see what the costs are if I have Delta as opposed to Cigna. Blah blah blah....I'm too lazy to actually do my research, but not too lazy to complain.

Headin' over to the Laser Eye Center today to get my LASIK evaluation. I wonder if I even qualify for LASIK with my heavy astigmatism. And what kind of dent will it do my wallet? Been a prisoner of my glasses since I was 6. Theory has it I may have needed it before that....my parents were just ignorant. But for the past 20 years I've learned to hate (yes, HATE) having to depend my entire life on two pieces of plastic. During Sunday School, Alan asked us, "What in life can you live without." I told my group, I can't live without my glasses. One time, I woke up and my glasses weren't on my bedstand. I must've knocked it on the floor during the night. But when I woke up, I was soooooooooooooooo lost!! Was on my hands and knees feeling around for my glasses. That feeling of being lost and desperateness was far too overbearing. Course...that wasn't what Alan was expecting, heh...but I could've easily transformed that into an analogy, "Being lost without the Light."

School and work is starting to get overwhelming. So why am I not doing either one, but instead updating my journal? Heh......shame on me.

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