Sunday, February 20, 2005

Where a kid can be a kid....

TV commericials are great. You see kids playing with two or three GI-Joes, but it'll be the most fun you've seen anyone have! You buy the same toy, open it, and realize, darn...this is stupid. You don't get all the cool mountains and background that was on TV. Or a stinken Hot Wheel race track. The dinky little car goes round and round. That'st dumb!! Why are the two white boys on TV having the time of their lives?? I'm sure everyone's fallen for that trap...and eventually learn their lesson.

Not the case with one particular commericial - Chuck E. Cheese. Oh no. There aren't any sceneries to enhance the fun. The pizza that rolls across your screen is the juiciest pie you've ever laid eyes on. The Chuck E. Cheese mouse DOES exist and is your best friend. The plastic ball pool is the size of Arkansas and it's bottomless. But with my upbringing, I had to settle for the fact that places like is for rich families only. I do not deserve to play in places like that...the world was created with a hierarchical structure and I wasn't anywhere close to the top. I wouldnt' even know how to ask mom and dad to take me there...cuz there's absolutely no justification to go to a place like that, when we can do the same things at a public park.

This Sunday, Joycie and I took Francisco and Issac to a local Chuck E. Cheese. For $35, we had a large pizza, four sodas and over 60 tokens ~ with some coupons I found online. The kids standing by the token dispenser were looking in awe as the coins kept dropping like it would at vegas when you hit jackpot. I literally had my entire coat pocket full of coins - felt evil...that I was spoiling the kids. They oughta learn the value of a dollar..that it takes a lot of hard work to enjoy themselves. we sat down, I passed out some of the tokens and they were gone within a second. 10 minutes later, they came back and started hanging out with me and Joyce. Now why would they choose to hangout with us?? Oh...I get it...they needed a refill. =)

Joyce and I couldn't fight off the wave and wave of kids running around. They'd run into you, cut in front of you, steal your Skeeballs. I guess when you're small, you keep your eyes focused on the big shiney lights...and disregard everyone else around you. Best part of Chuck E Cheese wasn't the arcards, nor the food...but seeing the kids squirming their ways around each and every corner in that Jumbo Maze thingy that I can longer fit into. =(

We were there for about 2 hours and amazingly, the tokens lasted us for the entire time. We ran out of things to do and just played games that won us tickets. The prizes they had available were the absolutely ugliest POS in the whole wide world. How anyone can afford to win those prizes is beyond me.

If someone were to ask me what I think heaven is like... Chuck E Cheese would be a valid valid answer.

Another dream down....another million to go.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

haha.. it's funny.. coz I got a smiliar entry with a similar title on 12/28/04 :P

It's fun!