Tuesday, December 13, 2005


There's a term we used back in the 80's called "flipping a game" - which means beating the game, winning a game, killing the big boss, finish all the levels. In recent days, my Cuz from NY got me re-addicted to the simple yet mind-boggling game, Freecell. Did you know there are 1 million possible games out there? And each of the games have a solution, unlike Solitarie. And with Minesweeper, it's really hit or miss to have a good start; more guessing than skills, unless someone shows me a strategy. Back to Freecell, if I were to play 5 games (and win those games) everyday for the rest of my life, it'll take me 200,000 days. There are 365.25 days in a year....so it'll take me 547 years to "flip Freecell!!" If I double the games I play every day to 10, it'll still take me 273 years. Okay... I started playing Freecell since 1995 when it came out with Windows 95. Given the benefit of the doubt, I've played 1,000 games. That's still 999,000 games I have yet to play.

So starting from today, if I play 80 games a day, I'll successfully finish Freecell in 35 years. Great!! Reality!! But wait... 80 games a day??? On average, it'll take me 5 minutes to finish a game. That's 400 minutes or a good 6-7 hours! Which is a full time job!!

Maybe I can get Bill Gates to sponsor me for the next 38 years....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

try sudoku. It's a logic puzzle. Fun to play.
